[Gate-users] GATE on Linux cluster

Fernando Rannou fernando.rannou at usach.cl
Fri May 25 16:11:45 CEST 2012

Dear Alex
The Gate distribution currently has a "cluster solution", which splits your
in as many smaller simulations as you want. That's the standard way people
have been
using Gate on clusters, and you will find a lot of support in this list.

However, our group has been using a different solution which does not split
you simulation.
We currently support only ROOT output (just as the cluster tools (?)).
In the case you decide to try our MPI solution, we will be happy to help
you setting up your installation.

Let me know


On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Alex <piratemp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Gaters,
> I am looking for some advice on installation of GATE on a linux cluster.
> My department just went through an upgrade cycle that frees up 18
> Intel-duo-core PCs, 4gb RAM, 320gb HD.  I have previously installed GATE on
> a high-performance 6 CPU machine running Ubuntu.  However, I never could
> get GATE to run on all CPUs.  It only ran on 1.  Someone here had reported
> that GATE is a single-thread application so that's not possible.  However,
> I have seen a number of publications showing GATE running in parallel mode
> on multiple CPUs?.  Some helpful links or advice to clear up my confusion
> please!
> Alex
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