[Gate-users] Rayleigh scatters

Laura Guérin lguerin147 at gmail.com
Mon May 14 10:41:45 CEST 2012

Dear Gate users,
We are modelling gamma-camera with Gate 6.1 in Toulouse (INSERM team).
We have some problems with Rayleigh scattering : we never observe Rayleigh
scattered events with ROOT client, although our physicList is well defined:

/gate/physics/addProcess RayleighScattering
/gate/physics/processes/RayleighScattering/setModel PenelopeModel

We have also tested with LivermoreModel and the problem is the same.
Same results are obtained with vGate 2.0.

Our install versions are :     -     clhep
-       geant4.9.4.p02
-       root 5.32
-       Gate 6.1
-       MacOSX 10.6

Someone has already solved this problem ?

Laura, Mélody and Jean-Baptiste

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