[Gate-users] how to specify I-123 energy distributions

Yann PERROT perrot at clermont.in2p3.fr
Thu May 10 14:03:22 CEST 2012

Dear Lee,

Be careful if you want to produce a discrete spectrum (it seems to be 
your case).

The commands that Panagiotis send you perform a linear interpolation of 
the energy between the points.
The result is a continuous spectrum.

To simualte a discrete spectrum, you can define a source for each ray 
with a probability set by the command:
/gate/source/NAME/setIntensity [value]

For example:
/gate/source/src1/gps/energytype Mono
/gate/source/src1/gps/monoenergy 159 keV
/gate/source/src1/setIntensity 0.83
/gate/source/src2/gps/energytype Mono
/gate/source/src2/gps/monoenergy 346 keV
/gate/source/src2/setIntensity 0.013



> Dear Lee,
> I am listing bellow an example of how to use a spectrum of an isotope that you want to simulate...
> In my case I used a b- spectrum.
> /gate/source/addSource point_source
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/particle e-
> #/gate/source/point_source/setActivity 2000 Bq
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/type Point
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/energytype Arb
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histname arb
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/emin 0.0 MeV
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/emax 0.4983 MeV
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.0    5670
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.004    5570
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.008    5470
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.014    5330
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.027    5080
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.037    4880
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.040    4820
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.050    4620
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.055    4520
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.074    4130
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.082    3980
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/histpoint    0.095    3720
> .
> .
> .
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/arbint Lin
> /gate/source/point_source/setForcedUnstableFlag true
> /gate/source/point_source/setForcedHalfLife 574560. s
> /gate/source/point_source/gps/angtype iso
> So, in your case you have to define gammas instead of e- . Also the 1st column of the histpoint gives the intensity of the respectively energy, while the energy in the 2nd column is in MeV..
> Hope it helps, for modifying your source.
> Regards,
> Panagiotis
> ##########################################
> ###   Panagiotis Papadimitroulas, Msc
> ###   PhD candidate, Department of Medical Physics
> ###   University of Patras
> ###   Greece
> ###
> ###   email:        panpap_5 at hotmail.com
> ###   web page: http://www.teiath.gr/stef/tio/ni/
> ###                       http://www.kagadis.gr
>> From: slee91 at utk.edu
>> To: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
>> Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 20:55:01 +0000
>> Subject: [Gate-users] how to specify I-123 energy distributions
>> Hey guys!
>> I am trying to model a I-123 with the following energy distributions.
>> 1) 159 keV 83%
>> 2) 346 keV 0.13%
>> 3) 440 keV: 0.42%
>> 4) 505 keV: 0.32%
>> 5) 529 keV: 1.39%
>> 6) 539 keV: 0.38%
>> for example, there is 83% chance that 159 keV gamma photon is emitted.
>> In this case, do I need to use arbitrary point-wise spectrum "Arb"? There seems to be no clear explanation of how to use this command in Gate manual. Can anyone point me to a good example of how to use arb?
>> Thanks,
>> Sanghyeb(Sam) Lee
>> PhD Candidate
>> Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
>> University of Tennessee, Knoxville
>> Personal webpage: www.sergeantlee.com
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