[Gate-users] Validation problem in vGate

Elin Wallsten elin.wallsten at radfys.umu.se
Thu May 10 10:43:32 CEST 2012


I am a new GATE-user and have encountered some problems. I have installed vGate 2.0 with pre-installed GATE v6.1 in my virtualbox. I have now ran the benchmark and I am pretty confused by the output. 

1) First, since I don't know if it matters, the benchmark file is named "benchPET.mac" and not "benchmarkPET.mac" as the guide says. I ran "benchPET.mac" according to the guide.

2) The first time I ran "benchPET.mac" I got the warning: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "Materials.xml"
I than moved the files Materials.xml and GateMaterials.db to the same directory as benchPET.mac, which resulted in no more warnings of this kind. Are there some way to define the path to Materials.xml? I have allready defined the path to GateMaterals.db.

3) I still get the warning: 
[G4] ### WARNING: G4UrbanMscModel90 model is used for e- !!! 
[G4] ###          This model should be used only for heavy particles
Is this expected?

4) This is the most confusing: When I try to view the output by running benchmarkPET.C in root, the images are not the same as the reference images. The y-axis on "Axial detection position", "O-15 decay" and "Axial sensitivity" shows tenth of the expected counts, i.e 3000 instead of 30000 etc. The image in "time 1" seems to just show noise, and the y-axis has 10 as maximum instead of expected 450.

5) I have tried this on two different computers, one with windows xp as host and one with ubuntu as host. I get the exact same problems.

I have attached the log file and benchmarkPET.gif, if that can give any clues. I would really apprechiate any help or advice on this matter since I have no more ideas. 

Best regards, 

Elin Wallstén
Department of radiation physics
Umeå, Sweden
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