[Gate-users] no output coincidences ,PETscanner

山中 琢 takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp
Mon May 7 06:39:26 CEST 2012

Hi Ane,

I'm not sure if this could solve your problem, but as far as I'm
concerned, the setDepth of the Singles and Coincidence should be the
same depth where the crystals are assigned. So in your case, it should
be 4.

But first of all, you don't need to use all the four levels of
PETscanner. Get rid of unnecessary levels, then the setDepth of 1
should work.

Hope to hear the good results.


2012/5/4 ane etxebeste <amecheveste001 at gmail.com>:
> Hello Takuyama,
> I am trying to simulate a PETscanner.  I don't have any coincidence although
> I have singles. I don't know if in a PETscanner I have to put all levels
> from one to four or if there are optional. I need only one level but I put
> the others in order to have coincidence root output, but i didn't succeed .
> I rode that you resolved this problem so I wonder if you could take a look
> into my macro. Maybe you can realise what is wrong. If I do the same with a
> cylindricalPET and a box shape, it works.
> I would really really really appreciate your help.
> Thank you very much.
> Ane.
> /gate/world/daughters/name                    PETscanner
> /gate/world/daughters/insert                  cylinder
> /gate/PETscanner/placement/setTranslation 0.0 0.0 0.0 mm
> /gate/PETscanner/geometry/setRmax         27.5 mm
> /gate/PETscanner/geometry/setRmin         22.3 mm
> /gate/PETscanner/geometry/setHeight       15.5 mm
> /gate/PETscanner/setMaterial              Air
> #level1(base level1)
> /gate/PETscanner/daughters/name                  level1
> /gate/PETscanner/daughters/insert                trpd
> /gate/level1/placement/setRotationAxis          0 1 0
> /gate/level1/placement/setRotationAngle         90 deg
> /gate/level1/geometry/setX1Length 12 mm
> /gate/level1/geometry/setY1Length 12 mm
> /gate/level1/geometry/setX2Length 14.67949192 mm
> /gate/level1/geometry/setY2Length 14.67949192  mm
> /gate/level1/geometry/setZLength 5 mm
> /gate/level1/placement/setTranslation        24.9 0.0 0.0 mm
> /gate/level1/setMaterial                         Air
> #Module(LEVEL2)
> /gate/level1/daughters/name                  level2
> /gate/level1/daughters/insert                trpd
> /gate/level2/geometry/setX1Length 12 mm
> /gate/level2/geometry/setY1Length 12 mm
> /gate/level2/geometry/setX2Length 14.67949192 mm
> /gate/level2/geometry/setY2Length 14.67949192  mm
> /gate/level2/geometry/setZLength 5 mm
> /gate/level2/placement/setTranslation           0 0.0 0.0 mm
> /gate/level2/setMaterial                         Air
> /gate/geometry/rebuild
> /gate/level2/vis/setColor                        red
> #Module(LEVEL2)
> /gate/level2/daughters/name                  level3
> /gate/level2/daughters/insert                trpd
> /gate/level3/geometry/setX1Length 12 mm
> /gate/level3/geometry/setY1Length 12 mm
> /gate/level3/geometry/setX2Length 14.67949192 mm
> /gate/level3/geometry/setY2Length 14.67949192  mm
> /gate/level3/geometry/setZLength 5 mm
> /gate/level3/placement/setTranslation           0 0.0 0.0 mm
> /gate/level3/setMaterial                         Air
> #    LYSO layer(LEVEL4)
> /gate/level3/daughters/name                  LYSO
> /gate/level3/daughters/insert                trpd
> /gate/LYSO/geometry/setX1Length 12 mm
> /gate/LYSO/geometry/setY1Length 12 mm
> /gate/LYSO/geometry/setX2Length 14.67949192 mm
> /gate/LYSO/geometry/setY2Length 14.67949192  mm
> /gate/LYSO/geometry/setZLength 5 mm
> /gate/LYSO/placement/setTranslation           0 0.0 0.0 mm
> /gate/LYSO/setMaterial                         LYSO
> /gate/geometry/rebuild
> /gate/LYSO/vis/setColor                        blue
> /gate/level1/repeaters/insert                       genericRepeater
> /gate/level1/genericRepeater/setPlacementsFilename  level1.placements
> /gate/level1/genericRepeater/useRelativeTranslation 0
> #    A T T A C H    S Y S T E M
> /gate/systems/PETscanner/level1/attach    level1
> /gate/systems/PETscanner/level2/attach    level2
> /gate/systems/PETscanner/level3/attach    level3
> /gate/systems/PETscanner/level4/attach   LYSO
> #    A T T A C H    C R Y S T A L  SD
> /gate/LYSO/attachCrystalSD
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert adder
> #    READOUT
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert readout
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/readout/setDepth 1
> #
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert                        blurring
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/blurring/setResolution        0.16
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/blurring/setEnergyOfReference  511. keV
> #
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert thresholder
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/thresholder/setThreshold 300. keV
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert upholder
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/upholder/setUphold 700. keV
> /gate/digitizer/Singles/thresholder/verbose 0
> #
> #
> /gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setWindow 25. ns
> /gate/digitizer/Coincidences/minSectorDifference    1
> /gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setDepth    1
> /gate/digitizer/Coincidences/MultiplesPolicy    takeAllGoods
> /gate/output/root/enable
> /gate/output/root/setFileName trapezoidal
> /gate/output/root/setRootHitFlag 1
> /gate/output/root/setRootSinglesFlag 1
> /gate/output/root/setRootCoincidencesFlag 1

Hokkaido University,  Graduate school of medicine, medical physics and
engineering D1
北海道大学 大学院 医学研究科 放射線医学分野 D1
Taku Yamanaka
山中 琢

takuyama at med.hokudai.ac.jp

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