[Gate-users] Fwd: geant4/GATE installation Ubuntu 12 and debian

Eder Rezende Moraes edermoraes at usp.br
Fri Jul 27 02:56:45 CEST 2012

Hi, I am looking forward to install Gate 6 and I will be gratefull with
some help

and I am having the problem after the ./Configure -build for geant4

 On this machine the G4LIB_BUILD_SHARED=1
 On this machine the G4LIB_BUILD_STATIC=1
 make: /opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/config/scripts/GNUmakefile: Arquivo ou
diretório não encontrado Which means file can not be find
 make: *** Sem regra para processar o alvo
`/opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/config/scripts/GNUmakefile'. Pare.

 Starting build...

 Cleaning up /opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/.config/bin/Linux-g++/g4make.log
 GNUmakefile:20: /opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/config/architecture.gmk:
Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 make: *** Sem regra para processar o alvo
`/opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/config/architecture.gmk'. Pare.
 Building global libraries...
 GNUmakefile:20: /opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/config/architecture.gmk:
Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 make: *** Sem regra para processar o alvo
`/opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/config/architecture.gmk'. Pare.

 # Your Geant4 installation seems to be successful!
 # To be sure please have a look into the log file:
 # /opt/simulation/geant4.9.4/.config/bin/Linux-g++/g4make.log

I installed the CLHEP2.1.0.1

I followed the link

> http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Package_Requirements
> and
> http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/New_Compilation_Procedure

During the the geant4.9, patch 04 installation I got the following answer.
I already try geant 4.94  patch 01, 02 and 04 and I had the same problem as
at ubuntu 12 and debian

Excuse, my linux are in portuguese.

Best regardings, Eder


Prof. Dr. Eder Rezende Moraes
Departamento de Física
Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto
Universidade de São Paulo
Tel + 55 16 3602 4866
Fax + 55 16 3602 4887

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