[Gate-users] fGate????

Lee, Sam (SAM LEE) slee91 at utk.edu
Thu Jul 19 17:56:29 CEST 2012

Hey all,

I am trying to run Gate on a Linux cluster. I currently have Gatev6.1 installed on a condor cluster. 
gjs works fine. However, whenever I tried to submit the job as below:

condor_submit work.submit

It complains that 
"ERROR: Executable file /home/slee91/research/local/gate_v6.1/bin/Linux-g++/fGate does not exist"

Do I need to install another version of Gate? What is fGate executable? Is there anyway to change the executable name to Gate?

Sanghyeb(Sam) Lee

PhD Candidate 
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Personal webpage: www.sergeantlee.com

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