[Gate-users] Gate svn-UPDATE: Optical Photon Physics and Analysis
Vesna Cuplov
vesna.cuplov at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 17:06:03 CET 2012
Dear Gate collaborators,
I would like to announce that recent developments regarding **Optical
Photons** have been sent to the SVN server.
Revision number is now: 657.
You might wish to update your own version of the Gate code and start using
the new functionalities (which are enabled only
when working with Optical Photons).
Below is a summary of these new functionalities:
- The default Gate output file possess an additional Tree named PhantomHits
which gives the Global position in x, y and z for
all the optical photon hits recorded inside the phantom medium.
- A Process Builder for the Mie scattering has been added:
GateOpticalMiePB. This process describes the scattering of optical photons
by spherical particles. For small size parameter (scattering particle
diameter) regime the Mie theory reduces to the Rayleigh approximation.
See the Gate Wiki for instructions:
- An additional output file (Root) is available when working with optical
photons: ValidateOpticalPhotons.root
It provides useful information for the analysis of optical physics
processes encountered inside the user's defined detector and/or phantom.
The content of this ntuple is not exhaustive.
List of modified files:
Envoi GateMaterials.db ==> added a material named Biomimic, that
is used for the validation of optical photons in Gate.
Envoi Materials.xml ==> added properties of the Biomimic material.
Envoi source/digits_hits/include/GateFastAnalysis.hh ==> new
Envoi source/digits_hits/include/GatePhantomHit.hh ==>
PhantomHits tree
Envoi source/digits_hits/include/GateToRoot.hh ==> PhantomHits
Envoi source/digits_hits/src/GateFastAnalysis.cc ==> new ntuple
Envoi source/digits_hits/src/GatePhantomHit.cc ==> PhantomHits
Envoi source/digits_hits/src/GateToRoot.cc ==> PhantomHits tree
Envoi source/general/include/GateRootDefs.hh ==> PhantomHits tree
Envoi source/general/src/GateRootDefs.cc ==> PhantomHits tree
Ajout source/physics/include/GateOpticalMiePB.hh ==> Mie
Ajout source/physics/src/GateOpticalMiePB.cc ==> Mie scattering
The new code was successfully tested with both configurations using
GATE_USE_OPTICAL variable from the
Gate environment (env_gate.sh). If you encounter any issue with the new
code, please let me know.
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