[Gate-users] libcrypto.so.6 and libssl.so.6

open researcher openresearcher90 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 11:29:39 CET 2012

I just copied libssl.so and libcrypto.so in /usr/lib with name libssl.so.6
and libcrypto.so.6 (as pointed out by yoann pavia )
Now I installed Gate 6.2 !
Many many thanks to all of you

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Paweł Kowalski <flukson at gmail.com> wrote:

> I habe realised that you have problem with ROOT not with libssl.
> Probably you need to set ROOTSYS path. To do it, tou can add these
> lines to your .bashr file and restart console:
> export ROOTSYS=/opt/root
> export PATH=${PATH}:${ROOTSYS}/bin
> /opt/root should be your path to root.
> 2012/12/19 open researcher <openresearcher90 at gmail.com>:
> > I have installed libssl-dev also and with make (without -j2) still the
> error
> > is there.
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Paweł Kowalski <flukson at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Try installig development package of openssl. If you will have problem
> >> with any other library install dev version.
> >>
> >> Dont use j2 option using compilation.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Pawel Kowalski
> >>
> >> 19-12-2012 09:16, "open researcher" <openresearcher90 at gmail.com>
> >> napisał(a):
> >>>
> >>> hello gate users
> >>> I am trying to install gate 6.2, (I have installed geant4.9.5, CLHEP
> >>>, ROOT 5.34 successfully)
> >>>
> >>> After ccmake if I type make -j2 I am getting following error
> >>> -----------------------------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>> avinash at avinash-desktop:~/sim/gate.6.2-build$ make -j2
> >>> [  2%] Built target itkzlib
> >>> [  7%] Built target ITKMetaIO
> >>> Linking CXX executable Gate
> >>> /usr/bin/ld: warning: libcrypto.so.6, needed by
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so, not found (try using
> -rpath or
> >>> -rpath-link)
> >>> /usr/bin/ld: warning: libssl.so.6, needed by
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so, not found (try using
> -rpath or
> >>> -rpath-link)
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_set_quiet_shutdown'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_peek'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_read'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_connect'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_free'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_new'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `EVP_sha1'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_CTX_new'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_set_fd'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_shutdown'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_get_error'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSLv23_method'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_library_init'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_write'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> `HMAC'
> >>> /home/avinash/sim/root_v5.34/lib/libNet.so: undefined reference to
> >>> `SSL_CTX_free'
> >>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> >>> make[2]: *** [Gate] Error 1
> >>> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Gate.dir/all] Error 2
> >>> make: *** [all] Error 2
> >>>
> >>>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>> I think this is problem related to OS, I am using ubuntu 10.10 and
> after
> >>> some search in the Internet I found that these two files
> (libcrypto.so.6 and
> >>> libssl.so.6) are related to openssl package but I have already
> installed it.
> >>> (Till now I was using gate 6.1 and it is running fine). I think I have
> to
> >>> create a softlink to these files but I am new to ubuntu and still
> searching
> >>> a way to do this. Has anybody encountered with this problem?
> >>> Any help ?
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Gate-users mailing list
> >>> Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
> >>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/listinfo/gate-users
> >
> >
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