[Gate-users] GATE cannot find interfile data from header

Marc Chamberland MarcChamberland at cmail.carleton.ca
Thu Aug 30 15:09:47 CEST 2012

Hi Tristan!

I took a look at the source code of the Interfile reader in Gate, and yes, you do need to include the sub-directory in the Interfile header.

If you look at the Time Activity Curve example included with Gate, you'll see that they include the sub-directory in the "name of data file" in the Interfile header.

I don't know if this qualifies as a bug or not, but I'd suggest you just work around it by modifying your header files (or moving them to your execution directory).



Marc Chamberland, MSc
PhD candidate
Department of Physics
Carleton University
Ottawa (ON)

Le 2012-08-30 à 8:58 AM, Tristan Glatard <tristan.glatard at creatis.insa-lyon.fr<mailto:tristan.glatard at creatis.insa-lyon.fr>>
 a écrit :


We have a macro involving a source in interfile format, stored in a subdirectory called "data":
[glatard at kingkong gate.sh-2294696198382639]$ grep phantom mac/adapted-mainMacro.mac  | grep -v \#
/gate/hof_brain/interfileReader/readFile data/brain_phantom.h33
/gate/source/voxel_brain/interfileReader/readFile data/brain_phantom.h33
The header of this interfile references the data relatively to the header path, i.e. without the subdirectory:
[glatard at kingkong gate.sh-2294696198382639]$ grep phantom data/brain_phantom.h33
!name of data file := brain_phantom.i33
[glatard at kingkong gate.sh-2294696198382639]$ ls data | grep phantom
GATE cannot find the data file:
[glatard at kingkong gate.sh-2294696198382639]$ ./Gate mac/adapted-mainMacro.mac 1>/dev/null
   [G4-cerr] Error: Could not open header file 'brain_phantom.i33'!
   [G4-cerr] ERROR - G4Box()::G4Box(): hof_brain_solid
   [G4-cerr]         Dimensions too small ! - 0, 0, 0
   [G4-cerr] *** G4Exception : InvalidSetup
   [G4-cerr]       issued by : G4Box::G4Box()
   [G4-cerr] Invalid dimensions. Too small.
   [G4-cerr] *** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
   [G4-cerr] *** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
It works if we add the subdirectory to the data file name in the interfile header:
[glatard at kingkong gate.sh-2294696198382639]$ grep phantom data/brain_phantom.h33
!name of data file := data/brain_phantom.i33
[glatard at kingkong gate.sh-2294696198382639]$ ./Gate mac/adapted-mainMacro.mac 1>/dev/null
[glatard at kingkong gate.sh-2294696198382639]$ echo $?

Is it a bug in the interfile reader of GATE, or should we adjust interfile headers according to their location?

Thanks in advance, cheers,

Tristan Glatard
CNRS researcher, CREATIS
Tél : +33 (0) 4 72 43 75 47

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