[Gate-users] 【Hoffman Brain Phantom】

dankemori at yahoo.co.jp dankemori at yahoo.co.jp
Tue Aug 21 11:04:16 CEST 2012

Hello Dear Gate Users

I'm trying to define a Hoffman Brain Phantom.
Accordance with Users Guide, I define a Phantom.

as below


#B R A I N 
/gate/source/addSource voxel voxel
/gate/source/voxel/reader/insert interfile 
/gate/source/voxel/interfileReader/translator/insert range
/gate/source/voxel/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/readTable activityRange.dat
/gate/source/voxel/interfileReader/rangeTranslator/describe 1
/gate/source/voxel/interfileReader/readFile hof.h33
/gate/source/voxel/interfileReader/verbose 1
/gate/source/voxel/setType backtoback
/gate/source/voxel/setAccolinearityFlag true
/gate/source/voxel/setAccoValue 0.5 deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/particle gamma
/gate/source/voxel/gps/energytype Mono
/gate/source/voxel/gps/monoenergy 0.511 MeV
/gate/source/voxel/gps/angtype iso
/gate/source/voxel/gps/mintheta 0. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/maxtheta 180. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/minphi 0. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/maxphi 360. deg
/gate/source/voxel/gps/confine NULL
/gate/source/voxel/setPosition -128. -128. 0. mm
/gate/source/voxel/dump 1


But when I run the GATE, I have the following warnings.


  WARNING: This does not necessarily guarantee it's the same
  volume you originally specified in /vis/scene/add/.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc


Any kind of hints or solutions to this problem are appreciated.



Taro Kanamaru

Tohoku University , Japan


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