[Gate-users] password

Marcin Balcerzyk m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es
Sun Aug 19 18:44:23 CEST 2012

Dear Maryam.

I have passed through similar nightmare, and indeed the issue was a
password/keyboard combination. I used Windows with US locale but Spanish
keyboard (as default, it is QWERTY), and vgate 1.0 inside English Virtual
Box.  I ended up switching keyboard in Ubuntu login screen to my default
host Windows one (Spanish). The password for vgate in Virtual Gate 1.0
installation is virtual. "A" letter makes trouble, as vgate Ubuntu login
screen is compiled with French keyboard (AZERTY type - you can see keyboard
selection on the bottom of the screen), and your default keyboard for
Virtual Box is probably not French. 

Try to type in the box of a username the required password - if it is OK,
than you can type it in PWD box. If you use Windows as host system, try
On-Screen-Keyboard (osk.exe), as it adjusts to the Windows keyboard
selection for your used program.

I hope that helps. 

Marcin Balcerzyk
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.

Subject: [Gate-users] password
	<1345302163.58188.YahooMailNeo at web120405.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
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Dear all,

I installed gate_v6.1 via virtual box in two computers. In 64 bit system
everything is ok, but in other one when I want to install a program or share
a file it gives error for wrong password. I typed :
gate,Gate,vGate,vgate,virtual and login as password but the error was the
same. Also I typed these words with french keyboard but I didn't gain a
please help me.

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