[Gate-users] 'Failed to load external entity Materials. xml'

Hermann Fuchs hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at
Thu Aug 2 08:57:11 CEST 2012


If you want to use materials, you have to create or reuse a
GateMaterials.db. Basically it just lists the compositions of the
materials. Then you have to tell GATE where to find this file
The syntax is as follows:
/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase <PATH to the file>
replace <PATH to the file> with the correct path of the file. This can
either be relative to the position of the mac file or an absolute path.

Furthermore, as mentioned in 
You will need a file describing the optical properties of the material.
This is done in the Materials.xml

Best regards,

On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 19:38 -0500, Nicholas Chandna wrote:
> Hello Gate-Users,
> I've been trying to teach myself Gate, but I 
> have come across a problem while testing out the example SPECT data in 
> virtual Gate. When I enter the command  
> '/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase ../../GateMaterials.db' I get the 
> following message:
> GateMDBFile:: GateMDBFile:
>                    Could not find material database file '../../GateMaterials.db'
>                    Computation Aborted
> I noticed that other 
> people had similar problems in other posts. I tried other commands, such
>  as  '/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase MyGateMaterials.db' and  
> '/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase GateMaterials.db.' The latter 
> command works, but when I enter the command 
> '/gate/world/daughters/insert box' I get the following message:
> I/O warning: failed to load external entity 'Materials.xml'
> GateDetectorConstruction:: insertARFSD  entered
> created a ARF Sensitive Detector
> created command /gate/systems/SPECThead/arf/setARFstage
> I continued after getting this message, but when I type in '/gate/SPECThead/setMaterial Air' I get the following message:
> I/O Warning: failed to load external entity 'Materials.xml'
> Does anybody have any solutions? It would be greatly appreciated!
> Nick Chandna
> 3rd Year Physics & Biochemistry Undergraduate
> University of Saskatchewan/Canadian Light Source Synchrotron
> Saskatoon, Canada 		 	   		  
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DI Hermann Fuchs
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical University Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1090 Wien

Tel.  + 43 / 1 / 40 400 7271
Mail. hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at

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