[Gate-users] Question in installing gate 6.1

林威佐 t891t17 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 10:44:07 CEST 2011

hi gaters
I was already installing Geant4, root,and CLHEP , but when I wanted to
install GATE, I have some problem.
Before I executed the file 'env_gate.sh', I opened it and wrote these
command in it(using red color mark).

# 1. that the user has already defined the variable G4INSTALL
# 2. that there is a configuration script 'env.sh' in the directory
# 3. the variable G4VERSION needs to be define: 9.1 or 9.2
# You will need to make sure that both conditions are met before you can use
this script
set env GATEHOME /usr/bin/src/GATEHOME/gate_v6.1
set env G4INSTALL /opt/geant4
set env G4VERSION 9.1
set env ROOTSYS /usr/share/doc/root-

########### Geant4 configuration stage
# In the section below, we make sure that we have access to a script
# 'env.sh' in the directory $G4INSTALL, then launch this script

When I executed  I got the error.

The environment variable G4INSTALL is not defined yet.
You must define G4INSTALL before you can configure (and compile) GATE.

What should I do?

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