[Gate-users] STIR-LMF

Kris Thielemans kris.f.thielemans at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 14:15:32 CEST 2011

Hi Juan
> I want to simulate on the STIR, LMF file, but when I compile the file
> LMF.zip, this does not run.
> Someone could give me corrections I should make to this code or new code.

This is unfortunately a recurring question. As the STIR web-page says, the
LMF.zip code you found there is incomplete. You would have to dive in and
change it (check the comments) in the file.

I have heard people saying that GATE now distributes a utility to produce
STIR compatible sinograms, but I cannot find it.  The Gate wiki mentions
that their LMF tool can do this
but I don't see any end-user code in there. LMF 3.0 does have the hooks used
in the LMF.zip proto-code on the STIR website.

Ross Schmidtlein (MSKCC) has some code to go from ROOT to STIR sinograms
that he's willing to distribute. 

> I hope I can help.

If the tool doesn't exist yet, you sure could help by getting your hands
dirty. A lot of what you need to know was on recent posts on the stir
mailing list (see


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