[Gate-users] Coincidence Sorting Methods

Benjamin Armand Frisch benjamin.frisch at cern.ch
Thu Nov 17 14:53:58 CET 2011

Dear colleagues,

I try to dig a bit deeper into the coincidence sorter provided by GATE. To my understanding, there are two ways of opening coincidence windows: 
- once a Single opens a window, no other single can open a new window as long as that first window has not been closed. Coincidences happen within this window.
- each Single opens its own coincidence window, coincidences being possible within any of these windows.
The GATE User Guide properly explains both methods and indicates that they have been implemented. However, I do not understand how to select one of these methods!

Could somebody help me with that?

Best regards, Benjamin

Benjamin FRISCH
CERN, CH-1211 Geneve 23

Phone: +41 22 76 73457
Fax:   +41 22 76 78930
email: Benjamin.Frisch at cern.ch  

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