[Gate-users] Problem compiling Gate_v6.1 in Debian squeeze

Marcelo Santana marcgsantana at yahoo.com.br
Fri May 13 18:08:53 CEST 2011

Hi everybody,

Please, could someone help me with GATE compilation?  I'm trying to compile GATE 6.1 version in Debian 6.0 Squeeze and I'm getting some error as you can see bellow. I've already tried to compile with GEANT4 9.3 patch 01 but I've got similar errors.

My configuration:

- Debian 6.0
- GCC 4.4.5
- Geant4 9.4 patch 01
- GATE 6.1
- ROOT 5.28

Installation log by parts:

/opt/gate# ./env_gate.sh 

The current value of G4INSTALL is: /opt/geant4
The current value of G4VERSION is: 9.4

Launching Geant4 configuration script /opt/geant4/env.sh

On this machine the G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++
On this machine the G4INSTALL=/opt/geant4
On this machine the G4LIB=/opt/geant4/lib
On this machine the G4LEVELGAMMADATA=/opt/geant4/data/PhotonEvaporation2.1
On this machine the G4RADIOACTIVEDATA=/opt/geant4/data/RadioactiveDecay3.3
On this machine the G4LEDATA=/opt/geant4/data/G4EMLOW6.19
On this machine the G4NEUTRONHPDATA=/opt/geant4/data/G4NDL3.14
On this machine the G4ABLADATA=/opt/geant4/data/G4ABLA3.0
On this machine the G4REALSURFACEDATA=/opt/geant4/data/RealSurface1.0
On this machine the G4NEUTRONXSDATA=/opt/geant4/data/G4NEUTRONXS1.0
On this machine the G4PIIDATA=/opt/geant4/data/G4PII1.2
On this machine the CLHEP_BASE_DIR=/opt/clhep
On this machine the CLHEP_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/clhep/include
On this machine the CLHEP_LIB_DIR=/opt/clhep/lib
On this machine the CLHEP_LIB=CLHEP
On this machine the G4UI_USE_TCSH=1
On this machine the G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER=1
On this machine the G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1
On this machine the G4VIS_USE_RAYTRACERX=1
On this machine the XMFLAGS=
On this machine the XMLIBS=
On this machine the XMFLAGS=
On this machine the XAWFLAGS=
On this machine the XAWLIBS=
On this machine the G4LIB_BUILD_SHARED=1

Configuring GATE options

G4WORKDIR set to .
G4TMP set to ./tmp
G4BIN set to ./bin
Data analysis and output features enabled
Ascii data output enabled
Transport and generation of optical photons is disabled
Checking your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable...
==> OK: /usr/lib is already in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Use of ROOT enabled
ROOT real-time plotter enabled
Checking your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable...
==> OK: /opt/lmf/lib is already in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
LMF data output enabled
ECAT7 data output disabled
GATEHOME is set to /opt/gate
Checking your path variable...
==> OK: /opt/gate/bin/Linux-g++ added to your path variable
Checking your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable...
==> OK: /opt/gate/tmp/Linux-g++/Gate added to your path variable
G4VERSION9_3 is set: GATE is compatible with the GEANT4 version 9.3 and 9.4


/opt/gate/source# cd arf; make
Making dependency for file src/GateARFTableMgrMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateARFTableMgr.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateARFTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateARFSDMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateARFSD.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateARFDataToRootMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateARFDataToRoot.cc ...
Compiling GateARFDataToRoot.cc ...
Compiling GateARFDataToRootMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateARFSD.cc ...
Compiling GateARFSDMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateARFTable.cc ...
Compiling GateARFTableMgr.cc ...
Compiling GateARFTableMgrMessenger.cc ...
Creating shared library ../../tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so ...


/opt/gate/source# cd digits_hits; make
Making dependency for file src/GateVOutputModule.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVImageActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVDistribution.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVDistributionArray.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVDigiMakerModule.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUserActions.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUpholderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUpholder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTransferEfficiencyMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTransferEfficiency.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrajectoryNavigator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrajectory.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrackLengthActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrackLengthActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrack.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToSinogramMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToSinogram.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToSinoAccelMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToSinoAccel.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToRootPlotterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToRootPlotter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToRootMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToRoot.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToProjectionSetMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToProjectionSet.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToLMFMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToLMF.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTokenizer.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToInterfileMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToInterfile.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToImageCTMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToImageCT.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToDigi.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToBinaryMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToBinary.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToASCIIMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateToASCII.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateThresholderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateThresholder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTemporalResolutionMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTemporalResolution.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateStopOnScriptActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateStopOnScriptActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSteppingActionMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSpblurringMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSpblurring.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSinoToEcat7Messenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSinoToEcat7.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSinogram.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSinoAccelToEcat7Messenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSinoAccelToEcat7.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSingleDigiMaker.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSingleDigi.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSimulationStatisticActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSimplifiedDecayTransition.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSimplifiedDecay.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSignalHandler.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSigmoidalThresholderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSigmoidalThresholder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSecondaryProductionActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateROOTBasicOutputMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateROOTBasicOutput.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateReadoutMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateReadout.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateQvalueActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateQuantumEfficiencyMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateQuantumEfficiency.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulse.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulseAdderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulseAdderComptonMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulseAdderCompton.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulseAdder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateProjectionSet.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateProductionAndStoppingActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePileupMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePileup.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhaseSpaceActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhaseSpaceActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhantomSD.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhantomHit.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParticleInVolumeActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOutputModuleMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOutputMgrMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOutputMgr.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOpticalAdderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOpticalAdder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateNoiseMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateNoise.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLocalEfficiencyMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLocalEfficiency.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLocalBlurringMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLocalBlurring.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLightYieldMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLightYield.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLevelsFinder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateKillActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageWithStatistic.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageCT.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHitFileReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHitFileReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHitConvertorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHitConvertor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFastAnalysisMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFastAnalysis.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFakePrimaryGeneratorAction.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEnergySpectrumActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEnergySpectrumActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEnergyEfficiencyMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEnergyEfficiency.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEmCalculatorActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEmCalculatorActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDoseActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDoseActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionManualMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionManual.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionListManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionGaussMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionGauss.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionFlatMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionFlat.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionFileMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionFile.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionExponentialMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionExponential.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDistributionArrayMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDiscretizerMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDiscretizer.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDigitizerMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDigitizer.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDeltaEnergyActor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDeadTimeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDeadTime.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCrystalSD.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCrystalHit.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCrystalBlurringMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCrystalBlurring.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCrosstalkMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCrosstalk.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceTimeDiffSelectorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceTimeDiffSelector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceSorterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceSorter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidencePulse.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceMultiplesKillerMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceMultiplesKiller.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceGeometrySelectorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceGeometrySelector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceDigiMaker.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceDigi.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceDeadTimeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceDeadTime.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceBufferMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidenceBuffer.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCalibrationMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCalibration.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBufferMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBuffer.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBlurringWithIntrinsicResolutionMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBlurringWithIntrinsicResolution.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBlurringMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBlurring.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateArrayParamsFinder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateArrayComponent.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateAnalysisMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateAnalysis.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateActorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateActorManagerMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateActorManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateActions.cc ...
Compiling GateActions.cc ...
src/GateActions.cc: In member function ‘virtual void GateEventAction::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event*)’:
src/GateActions.cc:193: error: ‘GateOutputMgr’ has not been declared
src/GateActions.cc:195: error: ‘GateToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:195: error: ‘gateToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:195: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
src/GateActions.cc:195: error: ‘GateOutputMgr’ has not been declared
src/GateActions.cc: In member function ‘G4int GateSteppingAction::SeekNewFile(G4bool)’:
src/GateActions.cc:551: error: ‘GateToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:551: error: ‘gateToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:551: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
src/GateActions.cc:551: error: ‘GateOutputMgr’ has not been declared
src/GateActions.cc: In member function ‘virtual void GateSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step*)’:
src/GateActions.cc:625: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
src/GateActions.cc:626: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:647: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:714: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:717: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:730: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:745: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:751: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:760: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:767: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:771: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc: In member function ‘void GateSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const GateVVolume*, const G4Step*)’:
src/GateActions.cc:1087: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
src/GateActions.cc:1088: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1109: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1176: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1179: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1192: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1207: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1213: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1222: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1229: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc:1233: error: ‘ARFDataToRoot’ was not declared in this scope
src/GateActions.cc: At global scope:
src/GateActions.cc:1010: warning: unused parameter ‘v’
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h:80: warning: ‘CLHEP::electron_charge’ defined but not used
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h:67: warning: ‘CLHEP::HepRandomGenActive’ defined but not used
make: ** [../../tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/GateActions.o] Erro 1


/opt/gate/source# cd general; make
Making dependency for file src/GateXMLDocument.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVolumeFilterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVolumeFilter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVisManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVFilter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIterminal.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcontrolMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWithTwoDouble.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWithAStringAndAnInteger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWithAStringAndADouble.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWithAStringADoubleAndADoubleWithUnit.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWithADoubleWithUnitAndInteger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWithADoubleAnd3String.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWithADoubleAnd2String.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUIcmdWith2String.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTools.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSteppingVerbose.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRunManagerMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRunManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRootDefs.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRandomEngineMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRandomEngine.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePrimaryGeneratorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePrimaryGeneratorAction.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePETVRTManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParticleFilterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParticleFilter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectStore.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectChildListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectChildList.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateNamedObjectMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateNamedObject.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateModuleListManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMiscFunctions.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMessageMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMessageManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateListManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIntImage.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImage.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIDFilterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIDFilter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIAEAUtilities.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIAEARecord.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIAEAPhsp.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIAEAHeader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHounsfieldToMaterialsBuilderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHounsfieldToMaterialsBuilder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHounsfieldMaterialTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHounsfieldMaterialProperties.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHounsfieldDensityTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFilterManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFakeRunManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEnergyFilterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEnergyFilter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateClockMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateClockDependentMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateClockDependent.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateClock.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateApplicationMgrMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateApplicationMgr.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateAngleFilterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateAngleFilter.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateAnalyzeHeader.cc ...
Compiling GateAnalyzeHeader.cc ...
Compiling GateAngleFilter.cc ...
Compiling GateAngleFilterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateApplicationMgr.cc ...
src/GateApplicationMgr.cc: In member function ‘void GateApplicationMgr::EnableTimeStudy(G4String)’:
src/GateApplicationMgr.cc:700: error: ‘GateUserActions’ has not been declared
src/GateApplicationMgr.cc: In member function ‘void GateApplicationMgr::EnableTimeStudyForSteps(G4String)’:
src/GateApplicationMgr.cc:708: error: ‘GateUserActions’ has not been declared
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h: At global scope:
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h:80: warning: ‘CLHEP::electron_charge’ defined but not used
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h:67: warning: ‘CLHEP::HepRandomGenActive’ defined but not used
make: ** [../../tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/GateApplicationMgr.o] Erro 1


/opt/gate/source# cd geometry; make
Making dependency for file src/GateWedgeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateWedgeComponent.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateWedge.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVVolume.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelOutputMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelOutput.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelCompressorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelCompressor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelBoxParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelBoxParameterized.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelBoxParameterization.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVoxelBoxParam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVolumePlacementMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVolumePlacement.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVolumeManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVolumeID.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVisAttributesMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVImageVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVImageVolume.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVGlobalPlacement.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVGeometryVoxelTranslator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVGeometryVoxelStoreMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVGeometryVoxelStore.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVGeometryVoxelReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVGeometryVoxelReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrpdMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrpd.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrapMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTrap.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTranslationMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTranslationMove.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSystemListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSystemListManager.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSystemComponentMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSystemComponentListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSystemComponentList.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSystemComponent.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSurfaceMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSurfaceListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSurfaceList.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSurface.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSphereRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSphereRepeater.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSphereMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSphere.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSPECTHeadSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateScannerSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRotationMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRotationMove.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRegularParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRegularParameterized.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRegularParameterization.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRegularParam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateQuadrantRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateQuadrantRepeater.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePVReplica.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePVParameterisation.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePolyhedra.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePETScannerSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParameterisedHole.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParameterisedCollimatorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParameterisedCollimator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParallelBeamMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateParallelBeam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOutputVolumeID.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOscTranslationMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOscTranslationMove.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOrbitingMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOrbitingMove.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOPETSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectRepeaterListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectRepeaterList.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateObjectMoveListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMultiSensitiveDetector.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMDBFile.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMDBFieldReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMDBFieldDecoder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMDBCreators.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMaterialDatabase.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLinearRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateLinearRepeater.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageRegionalizedVolumeSolid.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageRegionalizedVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageRegionalizedVolume.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageRegionalizedSubVolumeSolid.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageRegionalizedSubVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageRegionalizedSubVolume.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageNestedParametrisedVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageNestedParametrisedVolume.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateImageNestedParametrisation.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHoleParameterisation.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHexagoneMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHexagone.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelTestReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelTestReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelTabulatedTranslatorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelTabulatedTranslator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelRangeTranslatorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelRangeTranslator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelInterfileReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelInterfileReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelImageReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelImageReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeometryVoxelArrayStore.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGenericRepeaterMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGenericRepeaterMove.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGenericRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGenericRepeater.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGenericMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGenericMove.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeneralTrpdMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGeneralTrpd.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFictitiousVoxelMapParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFictitiousVoxelMapParameterized.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFictitiousVoxelMapParam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFictitiousVoxelMap.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFakeDetectorConstruction.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEccentRotMoveMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEccentRotMove.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEcatSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEcatAccelSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMapVol.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMapsedt.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMapreadvol.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMapreadlongvol.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMapoperators.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMaplongvol.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMapdt_sedt.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDMapdt_core.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDetectorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDetectorConstruction.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCylindricalPETSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCylinderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCylinderComponent.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCylinder.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCTScannerSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCPETSystem.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateConeMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCone.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCompressedVoxelParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCompressedVoxelParameterized.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCompressedVoxelParameterization.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCompressedVoxelParam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCompressedVoxelOutputMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCompressedVoxel.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBoxReplicaPlacement.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBoxReplica.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBoxMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBoxComponent.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBox.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateArrayRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateArrayRepeater.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateAngularRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateAngularRepeater.cc ...
Compiling GateAngularRepeater.cc ...
Compiling GateAngularRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateArrayRepeater.cc ...
Compiling GateArrayRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateBox.cc ...
Compiling GateBoxComponent.cc ...
Compiling GateBoxMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateBoxReplica.cc ...
Compiling GateBoxReplicaPlacement.cc ...
Compiling GateCompressedVoxel.cc ...
Compiling GateCompressedVoxelOutput.cc ...
Compiling GateCompressedVoxelOutputMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateCompressedVoxelParam.cc ...
Compiling GateCompressedVoxelParameterization.cc ...
Compiling GateCompressedVoxelParameterized.cc ...
Compiling GateCompressedVoxelParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateCone.cc ...
Compiling GateConeMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateCPETSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateCTScannerSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateCylinder.cc ...
Compiling GateCylinderComponent.cc ...
Compiling GateCylinderMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateCylindricalPETSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateDetectorConstruction.cc ...
Compiling GateDetectorMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateDMapdt_core.cc ...
Compiling GateDMapdt_sedt.cc ...
Compiling GateDMaplongvol.cc ...
Compiling GateDMapoperators.cc ...
Compiling GateDMapreadlongvol.cc ...
Compiling GateDMapreadvol.cc ...
Compiling GateDMapsedt.cc ...
Compiling GateDMapVol.cc ...
Compiling GateEcatAccelSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateEcatSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateEccentRotMove.cc ...
Compiling GateEccentRotMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateFakeDetectorConstruction.cc ...
Compiling GateFictitiousVoxelMap.cc ...
Compiling GateFictitiousVoxelMapParam.cc ...
Compiling GateFictitiousVoxelMapParameterized.cc ...
Compiling GateFictitiousVoxelMapParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGeneralTrpd.cc ...
Compiling GateGeneralTrpdMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGenericMove.cc ...
Compiling GateGenericMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGenericRepeater.cc ...
Compiling GateGenericRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGenericRepeaterMove.cc ...
Compiling GateGenericRepeaterMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelArrayStore.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelImageReader.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelImageReaderMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelInterfileReader.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelInterfileReaderMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelRangeTranslator.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelRangeTranslatorMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelTabulatedTranslator.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelTabulatedTranslatorMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelTestReader.cc ...
Compiling GateGeometryVoxelTestReaderMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateHexagone.cc ...
Compiling GateHexagoneMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateHoleParameterisation.cc ...
Compiling GateImageNestedParametrisation.cc ...
Compiling GateImageNestedParametrisedVolume.cc ...
Compiling GateImageNestedParametrisedVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateImageRegionalizedSubVolume.cc ...
Compiling GateImageRegionalizedSubVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateImageRegionalizedSubVolumeSolid.cc ...
Compiling GateImageRegionalizedVolume.cc ...
Compiling GateImageRegionalizedVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateImageRegionalizedVolumeSolid.cc ...
Compiling GateLinearRepeater.cc ...
Compiling GateLinearRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateMaterialDatabase.cc ...
Compiling GateMDBCreators.cc ...
Compiling GateMDBFieldDecoder.cc ...
Compiling GateMDBFieldReader.cc ...
Compiling GateMDBFile.cc ...
Compiling GateMultiSensitiveDetector.cc ...
Compiling GateObjectMoveListMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateObjectMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateObjectRepeaterList.cc ...
Compiling GateObjectRepeaterListMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateObjectRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateOPETSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateOrbitingMove.cc ...
Compiling GateOrbitingMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateOscTranslationMove.cc ...
Compiling GateOscTranslationMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateOutputVolumeID.cc ...
Compiling GateParallelBeam.cc ...
Compiling GateParallelBeamMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateParameterisedCollimator.cc ...
Compiling GateParameterisedCollimatorMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateParameterisedHole.cc ...
Compiling GatePETScannerSystem.cc ...
Compiling GatePolyhedra.cc ...
Compiling GatePVParameterisation.cc ...
Compiling GatePVReplica.cc ...
Compiling GateQuadrantRepeater.cc ...
Compiling GateQuadrantRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateRegularParam.cc ...
Compiling GateRegularParameterization.cc ...
Compiling GateRegularParameterized.cc ...
Compiling GateRegularParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateRotationMove.cc ...
Compiling GateRotationMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateScannerSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateSPECTHeadSystem.cc ...
Compiling GateSphere.cc ...
Compiling GateSphereMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSphereRepeater.cc ...
Compiling GateSphereRepeaterMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSurface.cc ...
Compiling GateSurfaceList.cc ...
Compiling GateSurfaceListMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSurfaceMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSystemComponent.cc ...
Compiling GateSystemComponentList.cc ...
Compiling GateSystemComponentListMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSystemComponentMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSystemListManager.cc ...
Compiling GateSystemListMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateTranslationMove.cc ...
Compiling GateTranslationMoveMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateTrap.cc ...
Compiling GateTrapMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateTrpd.cc ...
Compiling GateTrpdMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVGeometryVoxelReader.cc ...
Compiling GateVGeometryVoxelReaderMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVGeometryVoxelStore.cc ...
Compiling GateVGeometryVoxelStoreMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVGeometryVoxelTranslator.cc ...
Compiling GateVGlobalPlacement.cc ...
Compiling GateVImageVolume.cc ...
src/GateVImageVolume.cc:509: warning: unused parameter ‘marginAdded’
Compiling GateVImageVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVisAttributesMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVolumeID.cc ...
Compiling GateVolumeManager.cc ...
Compiling GateVolumeMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVolumePlacement.cc ...
Compiling GateVolumePlacementMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelBoxParam.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelBoxParameterization.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelBoxParameterized.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelBoxParameterizedMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelCompressor.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelCompressorMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelOutput.cc ...
Compiling GateVoxelOutputMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateVSystem.cc ...
src/GateVSystem.cc:67: warning: unused parameter ‘anOutputIDName’
src/GateVSystem.cc:67: warning: unused parameter ‘depth’
Compiling GateVVolume.cc ...
Compiling GateWedge.cc ...
Compiling GateWedgeComponent.cc ...
Compiling GateWedgeMessenger.cc ...
Creating shared library ../../tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so ...


/opt/gate/source# cd physics; make
Making dependency for file src/GateVSourceVoxelTranslator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVSourceVoxelReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVSourceVoxelReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVSourceMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVSource.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVPulseProcessor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVProcessMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVProcess.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVFictitiousMap.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateVCoincidencePulseProcessor.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateUHadronElasticProcessPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateTotalDiscreteProcess.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSPSPosDistribution.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSPSEneDistribution.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSPSAngDistribution.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelTestReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelTestReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelRangeTranslatorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelRangeTranslator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxellizedMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxellized.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelLinearTranslatorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelLinearTranslator.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelInterfileReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelInterfileReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelImageReaderMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceVoxelImageReader.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceTPSPencilBeamMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceTPSPencilBeam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourcePhaseSpaceMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourcePhaseSpace.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourcePencilBeamMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourcePencilBeam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceMgrMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceMgr.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceLinacBeamMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSourceLinacBeam.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSingleScatteringPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateSingleParticleSourceMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateScintillationPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRTVPhantomMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRTVPhantom.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRTPhantomMgrMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRTPhantomMgr.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRTPhantomMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRTPhantom.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRayleighPenelopePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRayleighPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRayleighLowEPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateRadioactiveDecayPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulseProcessorMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulseProcessorChainMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePulseProcessorChain.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateProtonInelasticPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePositronAnnihilationStdPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePositronAnnihilationPenelopePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePositronAnnihilationPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePositronAnnihilation.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePionPlusInelasticPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePionMinusInelasticPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhysicsListMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhysicsList.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhotoElectricPenelopePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhotoElectricPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhotoElectricMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePhotoElectricLowEPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatePETVRTSettings.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOpticalRayleighPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOpticalBoundaryPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateOpticalAbsorptionPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateNeutronInelasticPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMuPairProductionPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMultiScatteringMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMultipleScatteringPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMuIonisationPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMuBremsstrahlungPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateMaterialTableToProductionCutsTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateListOfHadronicModels.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIonIonisationPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateIonInelasticPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GatehMultipleScatteringPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHadronIonisationPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHadronIonisationLowEPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHadronIonisationLowEMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHadronIonIonisationProcessMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHadronicStandardProcessMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHadronElasticProcessPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateHadronCapturePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGenericWrapperProcess.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGammaConversionPenelopePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGammaConversionPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateGammaConversionLowEPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFissionPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFictitiousProcessPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFictitiousFastSimulationModel.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFastI124.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateFakePhysicsList.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateeMultipleScatteringPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateEMStandardProcessMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateElectronIonisationPenelopePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateElectronIonisationPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateElectronIonisationLowEPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateDecayPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCrossSectionsTable.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateComptonPenelopePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateComptonPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateComptonLowEPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidencePulseProcessorChainMessenger.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateCoincidencePulseProcessorChain.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBremsstrahlungPenelopePB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBremsstrahlungPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBremsstrahlungLowEPB.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBinaryCascade.cc ...
Making dependency for file src/GateBackToBack.cc ...
Compiling GateBackToBack.cc ...
Compiling GateBinaryCascade.cc ...
Compiling GateBremsstrahlungLowEPB.cc ...
Compiling GateBremsstrahlungPB.cc ...
Compiling GateBremsstrahlungPenelopePB.cc ...
Compiling GateCoincidencePulseProcessorChain.cc ...
Compiling GateCoincidencePulseProcessorChainMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateComptonLowEPB.cc ...
Compiling GateComptonPB.cc ...
Compiling GateComptonPenelopePB.cc ...
Compiling GateCrossSectionsTable.cc ...
Compiling GateDecayPB.cc ...
Compiling GateElectronIonisationLowEPB.cc ...
Compiling GateElectronIonisationPB.cc ...
Compiling GateElectronIonisationPenelopePB.cc ...
Compiling GateEMStandardProcessMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateeMultipleScatteringPB.cc ...
Compiling GateFakePhysicsList.cc ...
Compiling GateFastI124.cc ...
Compiling GateFictitiousFastSimulationModel.cc ...
Compiling GateFictitiousProcessPB.cc ...
Compiling GateFissionPB.cc ...
Compiling GateGammaConversionLowEPB.cc ...
Compiling GateGammaConversionPB.cc ...
Compiling GateGammaConversionPenelopePB.cc ...
Compiling GateGenericWrapperProcess.cc ...
Compiling GateHadronCapturePB.cc ...
Compiling GateHadronElasticProcessPB.cc ...
Compiling GateHadronicStandardProcessMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateHadronIonIonisationProcessMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateHadronIonisationLowEMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateHadronIonisationLowEPB.cc ...
Compiling GateHadronIonisationPB.cc ...
Compiling GatehMultipleScatteringPB.cc ...
Compiling GateIonInelasticPB.cc ...
Compiling GateIonIonisationPB.cc ...
src/GateIonIonisationPB.cc:77: warning: unused parameter ‘model’
Compiling GateListOfHadronicModels.cc ...
Compiling GateMaterialTableToProductionCutsTable.cc ...
Compiling GateMuBremsstrahlungPB.cc ...
Compiling GateMuIonisationPB.cc ...
Compiling GateMultipleScatteringPB.cc ...
Compiling GateMultiScatteringMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateMuPairProductionPB.cc ...
Compiling GateNeutronInelasticPB.cc ...
Compiling GateOpticalAbsorptionPB.cc ...
Compiling GateOpticalBoundaryPB.cc ...
Compiling GateOpticalRayleighPB.cc ...
Compiling GatePETVRTSettings.cc ...
Compiling GatePhotoElectricLowEPB.cc ...
Compiling GatePhotoElectricMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GatePhotoElectricPB.cc ...
Compiling GatePhotoElectricPenelopePB.cc ...
Compiling GatePhysicsList.cc ...
Compiling GatePhysicsListMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GatePionMinusInelasticPB.cc ...
Compiling GatePionPlusInelasticPB.cc ...
Compiling GatePositronAnnihilation.cc ...
Compiling GatePositronAnnihilationPB.cc ...
Compiling GatePositronAnnihilationPenelopePB.cc ...
Compiling GatePositronAnnihilationStdPB.cc ...
Compiling GateProtonInelasticPB.cc ...
Compiling GatePulseProcessorChain.cc ...
Compiling GatePulseProcessorChainMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GatePulseProcessorMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateRadioactiveDecayPB.cc ...
Compiling GateRayleighLowEPB.cc ...
Compiling GateRayleighPB.cc ...
Compiling GateRayleighPenelopePB.cc ...
Compiling GateRTPhantom.cc ...
Compiling GateRTPhantomMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateRTPhantomMgr.cc ...
Compiling GateRTPhantomMgrMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateRTVPhantom.cc ...
Compiling GateRTVPhantomMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateScintillationPB.cc ...
Compiling GateSingleParticleSourceMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSingleScatteringPB.cc ...
Compiling GateSourceLinacBeam.cc ...
Compiling GateSourceLinacBeamMessenger.cc ...
Compiling GateSourceMgr.cc ...
src/GateSourceMgr.cc: In member function ‘G4int GateSourceMgr::AddSource(std::vector<G4String, std::allocator<G4String> >)’:
src/GateSourceMgr.cc:184: error: expected type-specifier before ‘GateSourcePencilBeam’
src/GateSourceMgr.cc:184: error: cannot convert ‘int*’ to ‘GateVSource*’ in assignment
src/GateSourceMgr.cc:184: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘GateSourcePencilBeam’
src/GateSourceMgr.cc:189: error: expected type-specifier before ‘GateSourceTPSPencilBeam’
src/GateSourceMgr.cc:189: error: cannot convert ‘int*’ to ‘GateVSource*’ in assignment
src/GateSourceMgr.cc:189: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘GateSourceTPSPencilBeam’
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h: At global scope:
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h:80: warning: ‘CLHEP::electron_charge’ defined but not used
/opt/clhep/include/CLHEP/Random/Randomize.h:67: warning: ‘CLHEP::HepRandomGenActive’ defined but not used
make: ** [../../tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/GateSourceMgr.o] Erro 1

I don't have any idea about how to fix these errors. So I decided to ask if someone already had same errors.

Thanks in advance,

Marcelo Gomes de Santana
Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear
Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Nordeste

Recife - Pernambuco - Brazil

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