[Gate-users] Gate v6.1 available

Seb sebastien.jan at cea.fr
Wed Mar 2 16:30:14 CET 2011

Dear Gaters,

I'm glad to inform the Gate community that a new version, gate_v6.1, is 
now available on our official NEW web site: 
section : "Download"
Item : "GATE"
Please, find the most important informations regarding this version in 
the attached file - logFile_Gate_v6.1.pdf

1/ This version is validated with geant4 9.3 & 9.4
2/ Feel free to read and test examples which are provided with this 
release - It will be an opportunity to check command line modifications 
and new available options
especially for radiotherapy applications
3/ The wiki Users Guide is updated and available on the web site, 
section : "Documentation"

Enjoy !

Best regards

Sebastien JAN
for the OpenGATE Collaboration

Sébastien JAN, PhD
Molecular Imaging Laboratory
4, place du Général Leclerc
91401 Orsay Cedex (France)
-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pi?ce jointe autre que texte a ?t? nettoy?e...
Nom: logFile_Gate_v6.1.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Taille: 32935 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/private/gate-users/attachments/20110302/ca43c407/attachment-0001.pdf>

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