[Gate-users] Output from Dose Actors on a Cluster

Christopher Boylan Christopher.Boylan at physics.cr.man.ac.uk
Mon Jul 25 15:22:40 CEST 2011

Hello GATE users,


I'm new to Gate so apologies if this has been asked before...


I've been using v.6.1 to look at profiles and depth-dose curves from a
linear accelerator, and now I'm in the process of moving all my macros
onto a small cluster (16 cores) for some longer runs. I've managed to
get the jobs to split correctly and got them running on all of the cores
(using gjs and OpenPBS).


However, I'm having some problems with the output. I was expecting an
output from each of the jobs which I can then merge together. However I
only get one output file, which looks like it's just from one of the
CPUs. I'm using dose actors with the following commands... 


      /gate/actor/addActor DoseActor      PDD

      /gate/actor/dose/attachTo           waterbox

      /gate/actor/dose/stepHitType              random

      /gate/actor/dose/setPosition        0 0 0 cm

      /gate/actor/dose/setSize           1 1 60 cm

      /gate/actor/dose/setResolution            1 1 120

      /gate/actor/dose/enableDose            true

      /gate/actor/dose/enableUncertaintyDose false

      /gate/actor/dose/enableSquaredDose        true


      /gate/actor/dose/saveEveryNSeconds  100



I've also tried *.hdr/img and *.txt with the same problem. Is there a
specific command for dose actors to get the output from a cluster?


Many thanks!






Christopher Boylan


Research Physicist - Radiotherapy

North Western Medical Physics

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Wilmslow Road


M20 4BX


Tel: 0161 446 8443

Fax: 0161 446 3545


Christopher.Boylan at physics.cr.man.ac.uk


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