[Gate-users] Dose Actor - Problem with 3D vs 1D
Hermann Fuchs
hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at
Mon Jul 25 14:57:43 CEST 2011
Dear Gate users and developers,
We are using Gate6.1 (at Med. Univ. Vienna on Ubuntu 11.04 with
geant4.9.4p01, root 5.30 and at IFIC --Univ. Valencia/CSIC-- with
geant4.9.4p01, root 5.28) for hadrontherapy simulations.
Using the Radiationtherapy Example Novice3, we encountered a strange
behavior of the dose actor when using Analyze (.hdr) files. We just
modified the Resolution, from
/gate/actor/doseDistribution/setResolution 1 1 400
(1D case) to
/gate/actor/doseDistribution/setResolution 400 400 400
(3D case), and the sigma_x and sigma_y of the beam, from 3 to 1 mm.
In the combination 3D and sigma 1 mm, we have observed a strange Bragg
peak (see the blue line in the attachment Nov3_3D_1-mm.png).
Using 1D and sigma 1mm the observed Bragg-peak returns to look normal.
If we increase the sigma to or above 3 mm, 3D and 1D files look normal
too. See attached files Nov3_3D_1-3mmSigma.png (yellow line on the
profile) and Nov3_1D_1-3mmSigma.png (both lines).
It seems that there is a problem with the dose actor and analyze files
(we have not checked whether in the txt-files the problem appears)
producing 3D output if the sigma of the beam is small.
Can you confirm that?
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Herman and Irene
DI Hermann Fuchs
Div. Medical Radiation Physics
Department of Radiotherapy
Med. Univ. Vienna / AKH Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18-20
A-1090 Wien
Tel. + 43 / 1 / 40 400 7271
Mail. hermann.fuchs at meduniwien.ac.at
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