[Gate-users] running parameterized macro

Eunsin Lee eunsin at mail.med.upenn.edu
Thu Feb 10 17:23:01 CET 2011

Hi Didier,

Yeah, it worked that way for me too.
Thanks a lot for your help,

Eunsin Lee, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Physics and Instrumentation Group
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
eunsin at mail.med.upenn.edu
(215) 349-5751 (office)
(979) 574-7235 (cell)

On Feb 9, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Didier Benoit wrote:

> Eunsin,
> Could you test with the command 'Gate -a lld 350 mymacro.mac'? It works for me
> Kind Regards,
> Didier
> On Feb 9, 2011, at 9:20 PM, Eunsin Lee wrote:
>> Hi Didier,
>> Thanks for help, but still got the same problem as before after compiling with the new Gate.cc file you attached..
>> Thanks,
>> Eunsin
>> ******************************************************
>> Eunsin Lee, Ph.D
>> Postdoctoral Research Associate
>> Physics and Instrumentation Group
>> Department of Radiology, School of Medicine
>> University of Pennsylvania
>> eunsin at mail.med.upenn.edu
>> (215) 349-5751 (office)
>> (979) 574-7235 (cell)
>> ******************************************************
>> On Feb 9, 2011, at 2:47 PM, Didier Benoit wrote:
>>> Hi Eunsin,
>>> There is a bug with the parameterized macro in Gate v6.0. We've fixed this bug in the next release Gate v6.1.
>>> In this mail you could find the new Gate.cc file. Tell me if it's ok.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Didier
>>> On 02/09/2011 08:35 PM, Eunsin Lee wrote:
>>>> Dear users,
>>>> I would like to run several simulations with different parameters using the alias in the macro as described in GATE manual, for example,
>>>> /gate/digitizer/Singles/thresholder/setThreshold {lld} keV
>>>> According to the manual, I just run as following:
>>>> $ Gate -a lld 350<  mymacro.mac
>>>> However, it didn't work (it didn't pass the actual value 350 to lld...
>>>> Are there anything else I need to do?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eunsin
>>>> ******************************************************
>>>> Eunsin Lee, Ph.D
>>>> Postdoctoral Research Associate
>>>> Physics and Instrumentation Group
>>>> Department of Radiology, School of Medicine
>>>> University of Pennsylvania
>>>> eunsin at mail.med.upenn.edu
>>>> (215) 349-5751 (office)
>>>> (979) 574-7235 (cell)
>>>> ******************************************************
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>>> -- 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Didier BENOIT, GATE Engineer
>>> Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (IMNC)
>>> IMNC – UMR 8165 CNRS – Université Paris 7 – Université Paris 11
>>> Campus d’Orsay
>>> Bâtiment 440
>>> 91405 ORSAY Cedex
>>> Tél : (33) 1 69 15 68 76
>>> E-mail : benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr
>>> http://www.imnc.in2p3.fr
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> <Gate.cc>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Didier BENOIT, GATE Engineer
> Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (IMNC)
> IMNC – UMR 8165 CNRS – Université Paris 7 – Université Paris 11
> Campus d’Orsay
> Bâtiment 440
> 91406 ORSAY Cedex
> Tél : (33) 1 69 15 68 76
> E-mail : benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr
> http://www.imnc.in2p3.fr
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

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