[Gate-users] macro files for the Biograph 16 Siemens PET scanner

giuseppe iaccarino iaccarino at ifo.it
Fri Apr 29 10:40:03 CEST 2011

Dear GATE-Users,


Would anyone have (or where to find) macro files for the Biograph 16 Siemens
PET scanner?

We want to explore simulating a NEMA2001 phantom.

If, in the future, a paper comes out from our studies, 

we would add you as a reference, in addition to GATE.


Best Regards,




Dott.Giuseppe Iaccarino

Laboratorio di Fisica Medica

Istituto Regina Elena - IFO

via Elio Chianesi, 53

00144 - Roma

tel.:06 5266 6971

fax.:06 5266 2740


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