[Gate-users] SPECT projection plane and output world coordinates of detector pixel elements

sebnem erturk sebnem.erturk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 11:16:20 CEST 2011

Hello Jason,

Why don't you create your own sinogram from ascii output file?

Some time ago, I had a similar problem and instead of modifying the source
code to calculate and generate world coordinates of
detector pixel elements and followed this way to create a sinogram from
ascii output and reconstruct it.

There is enough information about the ascii output  in GATE userguide to do

Good luck!


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 3:47 AM, Changguo Ji <cgji at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear Gaters,
> I am trying to run the example_SPECT …. I have generated the projection
> image
> which is the interfile format. I used the continuous crystal material.
>  My questions are:
> 1)      What's the exact plane location used to calculate this projection
> image?
> i.e. the projection plane is the plane right after the crystal or the
> middle
> plane of crystal? I want use this projection image to verify a
> reconstruction
> algorithm, thus accurate geometrical information for pixel plane is
> crucial.
> 2) How to modify the source code to calculate and generate world
> coordinates of
> detector pixel elements?
> Any experts can clarify it or give me some instructions will be greatly
> helpful!
> Thanks a lot!
> Jason
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Sebnem Erturk, PhD
University of Pisa, Physics Dpt.
Largo Pontecorvo, 56127 Pisa-Italy
Office       :0039 050 2214346
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