[Gate-users] Problems with Root Output: Hits;9 Hits;10

David Watts david.watts at cern.ch
Mon Apr 18 16:52:47 CEST 2011

I'm having big problems getting my root output to work. I've tried with my own 
simulations, and the ones of the examples, and I have similar problems.

The simulation(s) seem to run just fine. The root output file is created but 
when I open it what I see is multiple Hits and Singles files, namely, that is 
says Hits;11 or Hits;12 and Singles;2 and Singles;3 and things like that. 
There are often data inside, and each has a different amount of entries (the 
lower valued file often has round number of entries like 5000), but how am i 
supposed to know which file is right?? 

Worse still, the problem seems to depend on the size of the output data. Ie, 
without changing anything in the macro except the source activity, I go from a 
normal output, say Hits;1, Singles;1, etc... to Hits; 9 and Hits; 10... 

It's as if Root doesn't like big files and is somehow splitting the data and 
only showing the last part of something. I say this cause the weirdness 
increases with the activity of my source. However, my root files are only about 
28MB large at best... and problems come even when they are a few MB.

Plus, my coincidence and delay trees show leaves but they are not filled (they 
don't plot anything). 

I'm running Gate v6.1 and Geant 4.9.4p01... and Root 5.28/00b on Kubuntu 
10.04. I have seen the exact same problems with Gate 6.0 and Geant 4.9.2 and 
several other versions of Root like 5.22 and 5.24. 

I'm at my wits end with this having tried many things, including the complete 
reinstall of all software starting from CLHEP, upgrading to the latest 
versions, but it hasn't changed ANYTHING! 

Has anyone seen this problem before??? 
Please help! I've already spent two weeks fighting this bug and seems no one 
has this problem. 


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