[Gate-users] emission point map

BRARD Emmanuel emmanuel.brard at iphc.cnrs.fr
Mon Apr 11 13:13:47 CEST 2011


Well again, I need all of them even the events which were not detected. I don't think this is available in those file, is it ?


Emmanuel B.
Le 11 avr. 2011 à 12:50, Didier Benoit a écrit :

> Hi Emmanuel,
> If you are using the output file root, you can access to the source position. The source position is stored in the Singles tree. In the ascii file too, you are all information in gateSingles.dat (http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Users_Guide_V6.1:Data_output)
> Kind Regards,
> Didier
> On 04/08/2011 10:08 AM, BRARD Emmanuel wrote:
>> Dear Gate users,
>> I went entirely through the user guide but I could not find if it is possible to save the emission point of the source. Is there a way to do so ?
>> Many thanks,
>> Emmanuel B.
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> Didier BENOIT, GATE Engineer
> Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (IMNC)
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