[Gate-users] How to use Qt (OGLIQt) on Mac?

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 02:17:53 CEST 2011


I have managed to install Gate on Mac after recompiling CLHEP and
Geant4 with enabled dynamic libraries. The OGLIX visualisation driver
also works fine, however I cannot run anything with OGLIQt
visualisation. It starts complaining about:

!!! GateMDBFile:
	The definition of the element/material 'Air' is incorrect:
	The unit found for the density field ('.29 mg/cm3')
	is not in the list of autorised units
for this field.
	You should check this definition in the database file.
	Computation aborted!!!

	[G4-cerr] *** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
^CAbort trap

I do understand the symptom: Qt visualisation also requires the
terminal to be replaced with the "Qt UI", while Gate simply runs as a
console application. But when I compile plain Geant4 applications, I
get Qt UI by default.

How should I modify Gate compilation (or some other way that you could
suggest me), so that I would get Qt user interface by default?

Thank you very much,

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