[Gate-users] Unable to write ASCII Coincidences data

RAMESHwar rjhaji at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 17:13:01 CEST 2010

Hi GATE users
I am using GATE version 5. The simulation data output are written in root
whereas not in coincidences mode.When I use
20. ns, it replies command not found.
I came to know that to accept a coincidence data in GATE, the coincident
detector should be in different sector but in this model, this is not the
case because of the rotation shift between two successive detector rings. I
tried to change the minimum sector difference  to 1 in GATE source code
(GateCoincidenceSorter.cc) and recompiled. But it still do not save data in
coincidence mode.
How can I solve this problem ?
Any help/suggestions will be highly thankful and appreciated.
Best regards

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