[Gate-users] [PATCH] spblurring improvement

Alexandre Dupas alexandre.dupas at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 16:56:44 CEST 2010

Hello everyone,

I was investigating an issue from Ramya and I found a strange behavior
for the spblurring in the digitizer module.

In Gate 5, the spblurring effect produces a 3D-gaussian blur on the
events position.

In Gate 4 and Gate 6, the spblurring produces a 2D-gaussian blur on
the events position in the global XY plane. It does not depend on the
local orientation of the detector. For instance, in the SPECT
benchmark, the spblurring is activated. The spatial blurring remains
the same and does not depend on the detector orientation nor does it
evolves when the detectors rotate. Moreover, the blurring apply in the
thickness of the detector and I suppose that it's not physically

So I join a patch to this email which can be applied to the Gate 5
sources with the following command:

$ patch -p1 < patch_file

It adds 3 new commands, that allows to setup the gaussian spatial
resolution along each local axis XYZ of the crystal volume.

/gate/digitizer/Singles/spblurring/setSpresolutionX 0.0 mm
/gate/digitizer/Singles/spblurring/setSpresolutionY 2.0 mm
/gate/digitizer/Singles/spblurring/setSpresolutionZ 2.0 mm

The behavior of the old command stays the same so no changes are
required to existing macros unless you want a special spblurring

/gate/digitizer/Singles/spblurring/setSpresolution 2.0 mm

Alexandre Dupas
Postdoctoral fellow
INSERM U698, Bichat Médecine Nucléaire
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