[Gate-users] coincidence timing window

Eunsin Lee eunsin at mail.med.upenn.edu
Mon Nov 29 22:57:52 CET 2010

Dear Gaters,

When I set coincidence timing window, for example,
/gate/digitizer/Coincidences/setWindow 5 ns
it looks like collect events only with (time2-time1) < 5 ns, which means it didn't cut off (time1-time2) > 5n.
Saying differently when I plot  time1-time2, the plot DOES have values > 5 ns, which should be cut off.
Is that a bug?

Eunsin Lee, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Research Associate
PET Center, Department of Radiology
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
eunsin at mail.med.upenn.edu
(215) 349-5751 (office)
(979) 574-7235 (cell)

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