[Gate-users] random seed generator in GATE

Didier Benoit benoit at cppm.in2p3.fr
Tue May 25 23:34:32 CEST 2010

Hi Naser,

In GATE v6 you can use 3 different generators, for that you have these 

# JamesRandom OR Ranlux64 OR MersenneTwister
/gate/random/setEngineName Ranlux64

# Control the seed
#/gate/random/setEngineSeed default
#/gate/random/setEngineSeed auto
/gate/random/setEngineSeed 123456789

# Save the random
#/gate/random/resetEngineFrom fileName
/gate/random/verbose 1

Kind Regards,

On 05/25/2010 11:13 PM, Naser Darwish wrote:
> Dear gate users,
> I am trying to run several jobs in several different directories, but I get
> the same outcome. I do not want to enable root ouput so I do not want to use
> the following command
> /gate/output/root/setSaveRndmFlag
> I only want to sinogram output so is there a way to ensure different
> results? I appreciate the help.
> Best regards,
> Naser
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*/Didier BENOIT, Ingénieur GATE/*

*/Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (IMNC)/*

*/IMNC -- UMR 8165 CNRS -- Université Paris 7 -- Université Paris 11/*

*/Campus d'Orsay/*

*/Bâtiment 440/*

*/91406 ORSAY Cedex/*

*/ /*

*/Tél : (33) 1 69 15 68 76/*

*/E-mail : benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr <mailto:benoit at imnc.in2p3.fr>/*



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