[Gate-users] What's the final solution about Hon Yu's Compilation error problem?

Thibault Frisson frisson at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue May 25 19:29:54 CEST 2010


Could you send the output of the command: echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Have you try to compile and run a G4 example?

Best regards,


> If the 'shared' libraries (.so) were generated during your Geant4
> installation, I'm not sure what may have caused such run-time error and
> I'm afraid I don't have much to offer as help other than perhaps to
> suggest going w/ G4.9.1...
> Does anyone out there have any insight on this?
>> thanks you,
>> Hon Yu
>> According to your direction, the complication seems successful. But Gate
>> cann't run!!!
>> My software versions are different from yours. Because i carefully study
>> the vGate, adopting it's configure.
>> software version
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Geant4.9.2_p03
>> ROOT_v5.26
>> Gate6.0_p01
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> environment   variables  set
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> export GATEHOME=/home/zhb/GATE/gate_v6.0_p01
>> export G4INSTALL=/home/zhb/GATE/geant4.9.2.p03
>> export G4VERSION=9.2
>> export ROOTSYS=/home/zhb/GATE/root
>> export
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> final  information about  compilation
>> ...............................................
>> Using granular libraries ...
>> Linking Gate
>> ... Done!
>> ...................................................
>> But there is running error information,Gate cann't run!!!
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Gate: error while loading shared libraries: libG4error_propagation.so:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> please   help me!   Give  some direction!
>> 在2010-05-25 03:19:58,"Hon Yu" <hjyu at uci.edu> 写道:
>>>Following are the installed packages:
>>>The only exceptions/omissions to the wiki version of 'InstallationGuide'
>>>that I have noted are
>>>1. Geant4: You'd need to generate the 'shared' libraries (.so) - default
>>>is [no].
>>>2. ROOT: you'd need to create a /root sub-folder under /lib and
>>> /include,
>>>respectively, and copy all 'library' and '*.h'  files into it as
>>>compilation of 'Gate' will look for the relevant 'ROOT' files under
>>>/root/lib/root and /root/include/root rather than /root/lib and
>>>/root/include, respectively (I suspect this could be perhaps fixed by
>>>altering "LIBDIR" and "INCDIR" paths in 'Makefile.config' file under
>>>/root/config folder, but have not tried it).
>>>3. "env_gate.sh" file for Gate:
>>>PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin:$GATEHOME/bin$G4SYSTEM (the document has as
>>>$ROOTSYS/lib instead).
>>>Hope this helps.
>>>> 在2010-05-11 07:34:45,"Hon Yu" <hjyu at uci.edu>
>>>> 写道:
>>>>>I am having the same problem as what Sebnem described during the
>>>>>compilation of GATE in a Linux machine (Red Hat/gcc 4.1.2).  I gather
>>>>> that
>>>>>it's likely to do w/ ROOT as all missing "T***.h" files are located
>>>>> under
>>>>>~/GATE_ROOT/root/include; however, I'm not sure what environmental
>>>>> setting
>>>>>is the cause as I have followed the steps described in the latest
>>>>>'InstallationGuide - GATE collaborative documentation wiki' to the
>>>>>My "env_gate.sh" contains following environment variables:
>>>>>export GATEHOME=~/GATE_ROOT/gate_v5.0.0_p01
>>>>>export G4INSTALL=~/GATE_ROOT/geant4.9.1.p03
>>>>>export G4VERSION=9.1
>>>>>export ROOTSYS=~/GATE_ROOT/root
>>>>>Also, the installation of CLHEP (v2.0.3.2), Geant4 (v9.1.p03) , and
>>>>> ROOT
>>>>>(v5.26) was successfull by all indications prior to GATE installation.
>>>>>I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions any of you might have.
>>>Hon Yu, Ph.D.
>>>Research Imaging Center /
>>>Center for Functional Onco Imaging
>>>132 Irvine Hall
>>>Irvine, CA 92697-5020
>>>email:hjyu at uci.edu
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Thibault Frisson, Phd

Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
Service de radiothérapie
28 rue Laënnec
69373 Lyon cedex 08
Tel : 04 78 78 51 51
      06 70 37 05 21

Laboratoire CREATIS (UMR CNRS 5220)
INSA - Bâtiment Blaise Pascal
7, avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne cedex


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