[Gate-users] Alternative usage of voxelized geometry

Thibault Frisson frisson at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Mon May 17 10:20:21 CEST 2010


Which version do you use?


>  Hello all,
> I would like to insert a CT image for radiotherapie as it's specified in
> the user's guide :
> Another way to use 3D images is available in GATE. To insert an image you
> may use the following commands:
> /gate/world/daughters/name                      patient
> /gate/world/daughters/insert
> ImageNestedParametrisedVolume
> /gate/patient/geometry/SetImage                 data/myImage.hdr
> /gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase              data/myFiles.db
> /gate/patient/geometry/SetHUToMaterialFile      data/myFiles.txt
> I have generated the files .db and .txt with using the following commands
> :
> To generate a correspondence between HU (voxel values) and material, you
> may use the following commands:
> /gate/HounsfieldMaterialGenerator/SetMaterialTable
> data/Schneider2000MaterialsTable.txt
> /gate/HounsfieldMaterialGenerator/SetDensityTable
> data/mySchneider2000DensitiesTable.txt
> /gate/HounsfieldMaterialGenerator/SetDensityTolerance               0.1
> g/cm3
> /gate/HounsfieldMaterialGenerator/SetOutputMaterialDatabaseFilename
> data/myFiles.db
> /gate/HounsfieldMaterialGenerator/SetOutputHUMaterialFilename
> data/myFile.txt
> /gate/HounsfieldMaterialGenerator/Generate
> Moreover I've check up that the format of my image was well in "analyze"
> (I hope this is the right format).
> However, when I run GATE, I've got this kind of error :
> [Core-0] Initialization of geometry
> src/GateHounsfieldMaterialTable.cc (l.125): Current H1=-1050 is different
> from previous H2=-950. Abort.
> It's seems this error comes from to "myfile.txt" but I don't understand
> why.
> Have you got any idea to solve this problem ?
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Nicolas SAS
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Thibault Frisson, Phd

Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
Service de radiothérapie
28 rue Laënnec
69373 Lyon cedex 08
Tel : 04 78 78 51 51
      06 70 37 05 21

Laboratoire CREATIS (UMR CNRS 5220)
INSA - Bâtiment Blaise Pascal
7, avenue Jean Capelle
69621 Villeurbanne cedex


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