[Gate-users] parameterisedBoxMatrix disable in GATE6.0.0??

AliAsghar Parach aaparach at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 14:59:53 CET 2010

Dear Jan and gaters
a few days ago you said that 'parameterisedBoxMatrix' is disabled in
GATE5,6. But when I see the new GATE wiki page, I see the
parameterisedBoxMatrix for voxelised phantom under the title "*How to use
parameterized voxels*" here is that address page:
what is it's means?
As mentioned previously I used it in GATE4 and worked properly, but in
GATE5.0.0 it gives an error and in GATE6.0.0 it gives no error and the
output  phantom was constructed but there were no dose in it.

Ali Asghar Parach,Ph.D. student in Medical Physics,Tarbiat Modares

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