[Gate-users] SPECT with Technetium 99m

Anne Sauve ACSauve at lbl.gov
Wed Jun 30 00:24:14 CEST 2010

Hello the collaboration,

I am doing SPECT with 99mTC and I wonder if I need to define my radionuclide somewhere
like in the PET example you have in the user manual v6
Is there a database to pick from for instance.
The example that I found in gatev6 (SPECT.mac see attachment) doesn't even have particule gamma defined in it ?
The activity seems to be set up by the physics module.

I am confused about which path to take.

Find attached my roby.mac file.(After the particule gamma command I am guessing)

Thanks a lot for your help,


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Une pièce jointe autre que texte a été nettoyée...
Nom: SPECT.mac
Type: application/octet-stream
Taille: 8543 octets
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URL: <http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/private/gate-users/attachments/20100629/7a947f34/attachment.obj>
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Nom: roby.mac
Type: application/octet-stream
Taille: 2075 octets
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URL: <http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/mailman/private/gate-users/attachments/20100629/7a947f34/attachment-0001.obj>

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