[Gate-users] Variance Reduction Technique on GATE v6...

Park MinJae MJ at ToTi.us
Wed Jun 23 17:09:57 CEST 2010

Dear Thibault,

Yes, It's obviously GATE v6 p01 :)

Anyway, let me clarify my question.

What I want to know is...

1) Is there any other VRTs like forced detection on GATE v6?

2) Is it possible to use VRTs simultaneously?

When I use following two commands...
/gate/physics/processes/PhotoElectric/activateSplitting gamma 100
/gate/physics/processes/PhotoElectric/activateRussianRoulette gamma 50

I got the messange like this.
src/GateVProcessMessenger.cc (l.126): Splitting or Russian Roulette
already activate for the process PhotoElectric.

C++ source of GATE is below:
if(( command==pSetSplit || command==pSetRussianR) &&
   GateError("Splitting or Russian Roulette already activate for the
process "<<pProcess->GetG4ProcessName()  <<".");

There is "or" between Split and RussianR.

Cordially yours,

//  Ph.D. Park MinJae
//  Johns Hopkins University
//  School of Medicine, Dept of Radiology
//  Division of Medical Imaging Physics
//  DialTo:+1-410-955-2684 (Office)
//  MailTo:MJ at ToTi.us, MJ at JHMI.edu
//  Make the Dream True...

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 5:19 AM, Thibault Frisson
<frisson at creatis.insa-lyon.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
>> 1) is there those two implemented VRTs on ROOT v6.0 p01?
> yes (I think you want to say "GATE v6.0 p01")
>> I saw there is the other VTR on CT projector, which is not NM.
>> I saw Beenhouwer's paper which described two VRTs and enhanced about 5
>> times.
>> On the Staelens's paper, they are working on the forced detection.
>> I guess...Using filter could be an option to enhance the speed.
>> but it's not primary VRTs, right?
> Not sure to understand your question. Filters are used to improve the
> efficiency of splitting or russian roulette.
>> 2) Is it working on the other process except Bremsstrahlung?
> yes, it should work for all processes.
> Best regards,
> Thibault
> --
> Thibault Frisson, Phd
> Post-doctorant
> Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
> Service de radiothérapie
> 28 rue Laënnec
> 69373 Lyon cedex 08
> Tel : 04 78 78 51 51
>      06 70 37 05 21
> Laboratoire CREATIS (UMR CNRS 5220)
> INSA - Bâtiment Blaise Pascal
> 7, avenue Jean Capelle
> 69621 Villeurbanne cedex
> http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/rio
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