[Gate-users] Gate on Windows OS

Sensoy, Levent levent-sensoy at uiowa.edu
Wed Jan 27 22:07:38 CET 2010

Hello Gate Users,

I have been trying to install GATE v5.0.0 on two of our computers with Windows OS (Vista and XP). I have a pdf guide, which incorporates 'MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition' and the associated Server environment, but it seems to be outdated: Microsoft is no longer supporting its Visual C++ 2005 version (I could not achieve a proper installation although I used the right Service Pack. Please let me know if there is a trick to it, that will make things a lot easier for me.) and there are so many changes in the new 2008 version, voiding the possibility of emulating the prior Gate installation methods (at least the ones that I have). I used the SLAC website to setup MS Visual C++ 2008, Cygwin, and CLHEP; and Geant4 installation also seems straightforward. I did install Gate on a Linux machine in the past; will applying same steps of Gate
installation work on a Windows machine (after MS C++ & Cygwin installations)? Otherwise I seek a comprehensive guide for Gate installation utilizing 'MS Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition' from those of you who have had success with Gate installation on Windows OS.



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