[Gate-users] other version of ubuntu

Alexandre Dupas alexandre.dupas at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 16:18:28 CET 2010

Dear Babak,

There is no version of Ubuntu iso containing g++ and the other tools
needed to build Gate. As I sent you in my other email (in copy below
for the list), you have to install the needed packages and their
dependencies by hand. There might be a tool that can help to figure
out what are the list of all the dependency packages but none I can
remember hearing about.

Best regards,

Here is the copy for the list of the other mail I sent you:

Here it is! If you are not connected on internet, you cannot update
your system and you cannot install package using aptitude. And thus,
the build dependency of Gate cannot be solved by the script I

Ubuntu ISOs are not shipped with most of the development packages
required to build software. You have to download the required packages
(and their dependencies) by yourself on your laptop. The list of
required packages is available in the script but all the dependencies
are not listed and you will have to check by yourself the list of all
packages you have to download. You can find the packages on the Ubuntu
package website[1]. If you have installed these tool on your laptop,
you may find the appropriate packages in the /var/cache/apt/archives

Note that /usr/share/doc is the documentation base directory for all
the packages and applications you install on your system.

[1] http://packages.ubuntu.com

Alexandre Dupas
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
INSERM U698, Bichat Médecine Nucléaire

2010/12/1  <nazarparvar at aut.ac.ir>:
> Dear Alexandre and Samuel
> Do you suggest any other tested version of ubuntu that contain g++ and libs that require for gate?
> and of course haven't need to update
> best regards
> babak
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