[Gate-users] Problem running GATE and ROOT with regularMatrix argument

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 15:15:13 CEST 2010


If you are using visualization, try to disable it.
There are possible incompatibilities between regular volumes and visu.

You have this message :

WARNING: The scene, "scene-0", of viewer "viewer-0 (G4HepRepFile)"
 of scene handler "scene-handler-0"  has changed.  To see effect,
 "/vis/viewer/select viewer-0" and "/vis/viewer/rebuild".

So if you don't use visu (meening you don't create a visu window), you have
to put the command /vis/disable at the beginning of your macro.

Hope it works,

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 11:50 AM, shahrokh nasseri <
shahrokh.nasseri at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all users,
> I am having about regularMatrix argument in GATE4.0.0. I installed
> sucessfully clhep-, gate.4.0.0, geant4.9.1.p03 and
> root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4 (binary root). Also I add the following
> variables to env_gate.sh in my computer (scientific linux 5 and gcc (GCC)
> 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)):
> export GATEHOME=/home/sn2/simulation/gate4.0.0/gate_v4.0.0
> export G4INSTALL=/home/sn2/simulation/geant4.9.1.p03/geant4.9.1.p03
> export G4INSTALL=/home/sn2/simulation/geant4.9.1.p03/geant4.9.1.p03
> export G4VERSION=9.1
> export ROOTSYS=/home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root
> export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin:$GATEHOME/bin/Linux-g++
> export
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib:/home/sn2/simulation/clhep-
> when I used compressedMatrix in the following command, all things are good.
> /gate/world/daughters/insert compressedMatrix
> When I used regularMatrix (/gate/world/daughters/insert regularMatrix), I
> get the following error messages:
> ...
> ========= Table of registered couples ==============================
> Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
>  Material : Air
>  Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+03 km     e+
> 1.000e+00 mm
>  Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 2.880e+295 J      e+
> 9.900e+02 eV
>  Region(s) which use this couple :
>    DefaultRegionForTheWorld
> Index : 1     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
>  Material : Lead
>  Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+03 km     e+
> 1.000e+00 mm
>  Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 2.880e+295 J      e+
> 1.280e+00 MeV
>  Region(s) which use this couple :
>    DefaultRegionForTheWorld
> Index : 2     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
>  Material : Al_Pb
>  Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+03 km     e+
> 1.000e+00 mm
>  Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 2.880e+295 J      e+
> 3.106e+00 MeV
>  Region(s) which use this couple :
>    DefaultRegionForTheWorld
> Index : 3     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
>  Material : NaI
>  Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+03 km     e+
> 1.000e+00 mm
>  Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 2.880e+295 J      e+
> 5.894e+02 keV
>  Region(s) which use this couple :
>    DefaultRegionForTheWorld
> Index : 4     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
>  Material : Quartz
>  Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+03 km     e+
> 1.000e+00 mm
>  Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 2.880e+295 J      e+
> 5.147e+02 keV
>  Region(s) which use this couple :
>    DefaultRegionForTheWorld
> Index : 5     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
>  Material : Glass
>  Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+03 km     e+
> 1.000e+00 mm
>  Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 2.880e+295 J      e+
> 5.680e+02 keV
>  Region(s) which use this couple :
>    DefaultRegionForTheWorld
> ====================================================================
> WARNING: The scene, "scene-0", of viewer "viewer-0 (G4HepRepFile)"
>  of scene handler "scene-handler-0"  has changed.  To see effect,
>  "/vis/viewer/select viewer-0" and "/vis/viewer/rebuild".
>  *** Break *** segmentation violation
> ===========================================================
> There was a crash (#7 0x0031dc40 in SigHandler () from
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so).
> This is the entire stack trace of all threads:
> ===========================================================
> #0  0x00dd2402 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> #1  0x02fd3613 in __waitpid_nocancel () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/libc.so.6
> #2  0x02f774fb in do_system () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/libc.so.6
> #3  0x00dbcd1d in system () from /lib/i686/nosegneg/libpthread.so.0
> #4  0x0031b433 in TUnixSystem::Exec () from
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so
> #5  0x0032142b in TUnixSystem::StackTrace () from
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so
> #6  0x0031dbb2 in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals () from
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so
> #7  0x0031dc40 in SigHandler () from
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so
> #8  0x0031cebd in sighandler () from
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so
> #9  <signal handler called>
> #10 0x0892a418 in G4VEmModel::CrossSectionPerVolume ()
> #11 0x0892d014 in G4VEmProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength ()
> #12 0x08900615 in G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength ()
> #13 0x08901d91 in G4SteppingManager::Stepping ()
> #14 0x088f152d in G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack ()
> #15 0x088e224e in G4EventManager::DoProcessing ()
> #16 0x0854895f in G4RunManager::DoEventLoop ()
> #17 0x08547d55 in G4RunManager::BeamOn ()
> #18 0x081e958f in GateApplicationMgr::StartDAQ ()
> #19 0x082393dd in GateApplicationMgrMessenger::SetNewValue ()
> #20 0x08a824b1 in G4UIcommand::DoIt ()
> #21 0x08a8a266 in G4UImanager::ApplyCommand ()
> #22 0x08a95ed4 in G4UIbatch::ExecCommand ()
> #23 0x08a97774 in G4UIbatch::SessionStart ()
> #24 0x08a878f1 in G4UImanager::ExecuteMacroFile ()
> #25 0x08a980d2 in G4UIcontrolMessenger::SetNewValue ()
> #26 0x08a824b1 in G4UIcommand::DoIt ()
> #27 0x08a8a266 in G4UImanager::ApplyCommand ()
> #28 0x085217eb in G4UIterminal::ExecuteCommand ()
> #29 0x08521330 in G4UIterminal::SessionStart ()
> #30 0x081e756c in main ()
> ===========================================================
> The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash.
> If they do not help you then please submit a bug report at
> http://root.cern.ch/bugs. Please post the ENTIRE stack trace
> from above as an attachment in addition to anything else
> that might help us fixing this issue.
> ===========================================================
> #10 0x0892a418 in G4VEmModel::CrossSectionPerVolume ()
> #11 0x0892d014 in G4VEmProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength ()
> #12 0x08900615 in G4SteppingManager::DefinePhysicalStepLength ()
> #13 0x08901d91 in G4SteppingManager::Stepping ()
> #14 0x088f152d in G4TrackingManager::ProcessOneTrack ()
> #15 0x088e224e in G4EventManager::DoProcessing ()
> #16 0x0854895f in G4RunManager::DoEventLoop ()
> #17 0x08547d55 in G4RunManager::BeamOn ()
> #18 0x081e958f in GateApplicationMgr::StartDAQ ()
> #19 0x082393dd in GateApplicationMgrMessenger::SetNewValue ()
> #20 0x08a824b1 in G4UIcommand::DoIt ()
> #21 0x08a8a266 in G4UImanager::ApplyCommand ()
> #22 0x08a95ed4 in G4UIbatch::ExecCommand ()
> #23 0x08a97774 in G4UIbatch::SessionStart ()
> #24 0x08a878f1 in G4UImanager::ExecuteMacroFile ()
> #25 0x08a980d2 in G4UIcontrolMessenger::SetNewValue ()
> #26 0x08a824b1 in G4UIcommand::DoIt ()
> #27 0x08a8a266 in G4UImanager::ApplyCommand ()
> #28 0x085217eb in G4UIterminal::ExecuteCommand ()
> #29 0x08521330 in G4UIterminal::SessionStart ()
> #30 0x081e756c in main ()
> ===========================================================
> WARNING - Attempt to delete the physical volume store while geometry closed
> !
> WARNING - Attempt to delete the logical volume store while geometry closed
> !
> WARNING - Attempt to delete the solid store while geometry closed !
> WARNING - Attempt to delete the region store while geometry closed !
> *** glibc detected *** ./Gate: double free or corruption (!prev):
> 0x0a858e20
> ***
> ======= Backtrace: =========
> /lib/i686/nosegneg/libc.so.6[0x2fab1d5]
> /lib/i686/nosegneg/libc.so.6(cfree+0x59)[0x2fab619]
> /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(_ZdlPv+0x21)[0x7d46581]
> ./Gate(_ZN18G4LossTableManagerD1Ev+0x2d)[0x892950d]
> /lib/i686/nosegneg/libc.so.6(exit+0xe9)[0x2f6d0f9]
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so(_ZN11TUnixSystem4ExitEib+0x97)[0x31b52f]
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so(_ZN11TUnixSystem15DispatchSignalsE8ESignals+0x159)[0x31dc05]
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so[0x31dc40]
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so[0x31cebd]
> [0xdd2420]
> ./Gate(_ZN12G4VEmProcess36PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLengthERK7G4TrackdP16G4ForceCondition+0x714)[0x892d014]
> ./Gate(_ZN17G4SteppingManager24DefinePhysicalStepLengthEv+0x75)[0x8900615]
> ./Gate(_ZN17G4SteppingManager8SteppingEv+0x1e1)[0x8901d91]
> ./Gate(_ZN17G4TrackingManager15ProcessOneTrackEP7G4Track+0x11d)[0x88f152d]
> ./Gate(_ZN14G4EventManager12DoProcessingEP7G4Event+0x4ce)[0x88e224e]
> ./Gate(_ZN12G4RunManager11DoEventLoopEiPKci+0xaf)[0x854895f]
> ./Gate(_ZN12G4RunManager6BeamOnEiPKci+0x65)[0x8547d55]
> ./Gate(_ZN18GateApplicationMgr8StartDAQEv+0x1bf)[0x81e958f]
> ./Gate(_ZN27GateApplicationMgrMessenger11SetNewValueEP11G4UIcommand8G4String+0x11d)[0x82393dd]
> ./Gate(_ZN11G4UIcommand4DoItE8G4String+0x8f1)[0x8a824b1]
> ./Gate(_ZN11G4UImanager12ApplyCommandEPKc+0x4d6)[0x8a8a266]
> ./Gate(_ZN9G4UIbatch11ExecCommandERK8G4String+0x34)[0x8a95ed4]
> ./Gate(_ZN9G4UIbatch12SessionStartEv+0xf4)[0x8a97774]
> ./Gate(_ZN11G4UImanager16ExecuteMacroFileEPKc+0x41)[0x8a878f1]
> ./Gate(_ZN20G4UIcontrolMessenger11SetNewValueEP11G4UIcommand8G4String+0xf2)[0x8a980d2]
> ./Gate(_ZN11G4UIcommand4DoItE8G4String+0x8f1)[0x8a824b1]
> ./Gate(_ZN11G4UImanager12ApplyCommandEPKc+0x4d6)[0x8a8a266]
> ./Gate(_ZN12G4UIterminal14ExecuteCommandE8G4String+0x3b)[0x85217eb]
> ./Gate(_ZN12G4UIterminal12SessionStartEv+0x50)[0x8521330]
> ./Gate(main+0x46c)[0x81e756c]
> /lib/i686/nosegneg/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc)[0x2f56e9c]
> ./Gate(_ZN10TCanvasImp8StreamerER7TBuffer+0x39)[0x81e6301]
> ======= Memory map: ========
> 00110000-00733000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363634
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so
> 00733000-00751000 rw-p 00622000 08:09 29363634
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCore.so
> 00751000-007c8000 rw-p 00751000 00:00 0
> 007c8000-00908000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363675
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libGraf.so
> 00908000-00910000 rw-p 00140000 08:09 29363675
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libGraf.so
> 00910000-00918000 rw-p 00910000 00:00 0
> 00918000-0093f000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363766
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libRint.so
> 0093f000-00940000 rw-p 00027000 08:09 29363766
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libRint.so
> 00940000-00941000 rw-p 00940000 00:00 0
> 00941000-00943000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 3572564    /lib/libdl-2.5.so
> 00943000-00944000 r--p 00001000 08:09 3572564    /lib/libdl-2.5.so
> 00944000-00945000 rw-p 00002000 08:09 3572564    /lib/libdl-2.5.so
> 00945000-0094d000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 15991280   /usr/lib/libSM.so.6.0.0
> 0094d000-0094e000 rw-p 00007000 08:09 15991280   /usr/lib/libSM.so.6.0.0
> 0094e000-00968000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 3572526    /lib/ld-2.5.so
> 00968000-00969000 r--p 00019000 08:09 3572526    /lib/ld-2.5.so
> 00969000-0096a000 rw-p 0001a000 08:09 3572526    /lib/ld-2.5.so
> 0096a000-00cdf000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363695
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libHist.so
> 00cdf000-00cf2000 rw-p 00374000 08:09 29363695
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libHist.so
> 00cf2000-00cf5000 rw-p 00cf2000 00:00 0
> 00cf5000-00da7000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363669
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libGpad.so
> 00da7000-00dad000 rw-p 000b1000 08:09 29363669
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libGpad.so
> 00dad000-00daf000 rw-p 00dad000 00:00 0
> 00daf000-00dc3000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 3572565    /lib/i686/nosegneg/
> libpthread-2.5.so
> 00dc3000-00dc4000 r--p 00013000 08:09 3572565    /lib/i686/nosegneg/
> libpthread-2.5.so
> 00dc4000-00dc5000 rw-p 00014000 08:09 3572565    /lib/i686/nosegneg/
> libpthread-2.5.so
> 00dc5000-00dc7000 rw-p 00dc5000 00:00 0
> 00dc7000-00dce000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 24816295   /usr/lib/libdrm.so.2.0.0
> 00dce000-00dcf000 rw-p 00006000 08:09 24816295   /usr/lib/libdrm.so.2.0.0
> 00dcf000-00dd1000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 15991263   /usr/lib/libXau.so.6.0.0
> 00dd1000-00dd2000 rw-p 00001000 08:09 15991263   /usr/lib/libXau.so.6.0.0
> 00dd2000-00dd3000 r-xp 00dd2000 00:00 0          [vdso]
> 00dd3000-00fed000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363630
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCint.so
> 00fed000-00ff1000 rw-p 0021a000 08:09 29363630
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libCint.so
> 00ff1000-0138c000 rw-p 00ff1000 00:00 0
> 0138c000-0148b000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 15991265   /usr/lib/libX11.so.6.2.0
> 0148b000-0148f000 rw-p 000ff000 08:09 15991265   /usr/lib/libX11.so.6.2.0
> 0148f000-014a6000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 15991279   /usr/lib/libICE.so.6.3.0
> 014a6000-014a7000 rw-p 00016000 08:09 15991279   /usr/lib/libICE.so.6.3.0
> 014a7000-014a9000 rw-p 014a7000 00:00 0
> 014a9000-01664000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363707
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libMathCore.so
> 01664000-0166e000 rw-p 001ba000 08:09 29363707
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libMathCore.so
> 0166e000-01671000 rw-p 0166e000 00:00 0
> 01671000-01765000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363728
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libNet.so
> 01765000-0176c000 rw-p 000f4000 08:09 29363728
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libNet.so
> 0176c000-0176d000 rw-p 0176c000 00:00 0
> 0176d000-017ad000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363799
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libThread.so
> 017ad000-017b0000 rw-p 0003f000 08:09 29363799
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libThread.so
> 01b36000-01d34000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363711
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libMatrix.so
> 01d34000-01d3b000 rw-p 001fe000 08:09 29363711
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libMatrix.so
> 01d3b000-01d3d000 rw-p 01d3b000 00:00 0
> 02254000-022be000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 15991350   /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2
> 022be000-022c1000 rw-p 00069000 08:09 15991350   /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2
> 022c1000-022c2000 rw-p 022c1000 00:00 0
> 0271e000-0275e000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 15991346   /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5.5
> 0275e000-02766000 rw-p 00040000 08:09 15991346   /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5.5
> 02766000-02767000 rw-p 02766000 00:00 0
> 02792000-0290d000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 29363768
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libRIO.so
> 0290d000-02911000 rw-p 0017b000 08:09 29363768
> /home/sn2/simulation/root_v5.27.04.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4/root/lib/libRIO.so
> 02911000-02913000 rw-p 02911000 00:00 0
> 02a14000-02a2a000 r-xp 00000000 08:09 24815724   /Aborted
> [sn2 at localhost Linux-g++]$
> Please help me,
> thanks a lot
> Shahrokh
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