[Gate-users] Remove scatter/random events from ROOT output

Ida Häggström ida.haggstrom at radfys.umu.se
Fri Apr 23 13:49:38 CEST 2010

Dear Gaters,

I wonder if there's an easy way to remove the scattered and random
coincidences when you use root-output? I mean, if this is possible already
in GATE (not storing these type of events in the root file at all) or would
you have to do it later in root, sorting out and removing those unwanted
events? If I've understood correctly, simply setting

/gate/physics/gamma/selectCompton inactive
/gate/physics/gamma/selectRayleigh inactive

in the physics does not kill scattered particles, just makes them not
scatter so you get a lot more coincidences than when you have
compton/rayleigh active. Basically I just want to kill scattered particles
so they don't end up in the coincidence tree, or remove them once they are
there (also randoms).

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