[Gate-users] NCAT phantom with GATE

Ida Häggström ida.haggstrom at radfys.umu.se
Fri Sep 25 08:37:12 CEST 2009

Dear Naser,

I'm trying to do the same, and I think I've managed a bit on the way. I
haven't implemented the dynamic phantom yet, only one frame of it but I
think you can only apply it like that, do one simulation per "phantom frame"
and then add them somehow. I create a voxelized phantom (via an ascii file,
not interfile). Anyway, here's how I've done it so far (any comments are
welcome of course!).

1. Generate the XCAT (formerly NCAT) phantom. I get the 32bit float binary
output that I then convert to text output via my unix system by typing in
the command line:
hexdump -v -e '1/4 "%f "' -e '"\n"' < binary32bitFloatInputFile >
you then get the binary image represented as a long list of voxel values.
You have to add a first line containing the image dimensions and the second
line voxel dimensions. Your file (here voxelPhantom.dat) should look
something like:
Nx Ny Nz
dx dy dz

2. Make a range (range.dat) file that translates each voxel value to a
material, e.g.
1 Air      true 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
2 Water    true 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.2
3 LSO      true 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
4 GSO      true 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2
5 Tungsten true 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.2
6 Lucite   true 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.2

see page 102 in the users guide (v5.0.0).

3. The voxelized phantom macro can look something like (page 101):

#     V O X E L L I Z E D     P H A N T O M

# Create a phantom called xcatPhantom
/gate/world/daughters/name xcatPhantom
/gate/world/daughters/insert regularMatrix

# Read the file :
/gate/xcatPhantom/geometry/insertReader image
/gate/xcatPhantom/imageReader/insertTranslator tabulated
/gate/xcatPhantom/imageReader/tabulatedTranslator/readTable range.dat
/gate/xcatPhantom/imageReader/readFile voxelPhantom.dat

4.  All ready to go I think! =)

Good luck!

2009/9/24 Naser Darwish <naser.darwish at gmail.com>

> Dear gate-users,
> I know that it is possible to use NCAT with GATE. Does anyone have any
> suggestions in how to setup NCAT with GATE. I appreciate any help.
> Best regards,
> Naser
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