[Gate-users] the problems of run the Gate macros

John Apostolakis john.apostolakis at cern.ch
Mon May 11 12:21:37 CEST 2009

Our developers confirm that Geant4 Release 9.2 contains a fix for this  

Best regards,
John Apostolakis

On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Erin McKay wrote:

> Your problem #1 happens because of a fault in the Geant4 macro  
> parsing code
> (will be fixed in a new release, apparently).
> You can fix it by changing all underscores "_" in comment lines to  
> dashes "-"
>> unexpected character after line continuation character
>> *** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
>> Abort "
>> So ,it has no output files . However , I can use another way to  
>> input the
> rest of  macros by myself, so it has outputs .
>> But I wonder why it never runs to the end .
> -- 
> Erin McKay
> Lead Programmer & Tea Boy
> Computerhead
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