[Gate-users] adder for exact Compton kinetics analysis

Jean-Baptiste Michaud jbmichaud at videotron.ca
Fri Mar 20 16:45:33 CET 2009

Currently the adder (part of digitizer) module of GATE behaves like this:


For the level defined, 

timestamp: keep the timestamp of the 1st hit

energy: sum all hits

localization: energy-weighted centroid of all hits


However, this poses problems when one wants to analyze inter-crystal
behavior using the exact Compton kinematics law, since the hits include a
lot of photoelectron/recoil electron hits as well. One would require an
adder that has a different localization behavior:

            Modified Localization: energy-weighted centroid of all *photon*
hits, where the energy of a single photon hit is its own plus all the e-
interaction from its displaced electron.


Has anyone used/built such an adder? If so, I'm interested in discussing my
eventual "sharing" of it.


Would it be of general interest to include it in the public release if I
build one? Right now, such a custom adder requires processing of the ascii
hit file, which because of sheer size is impractical on a regular basis.




JB Michaud

University of Sherbrooke


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