[Gate-users] materials in GATE

AliAsghar Parach aaparach at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 17:11:45 CEST 2009

Dear gate users,
I have 2 questions about material properties in GATE:
1- what means registered couples in GATE running page? and what is the
difference between registered couples and  Nb of materials that are
differentially pointed out in GATE running page at each run?
2- in voxelised phantom when i define only one material (eg:Water) in my
voxel phantom in range.dat file, GATE shows Water,Air,Vacuum in it's running
page (in registered couples and  Nb of materials). what is it's reason?

here is GATE output in running page: when only define Water as a material in
voxel phantom.

Time set to (s) 0
   GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material
     This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this
GateVoxelBoxParameterizedInserter::ConstructGeometry - Warning !
ConstructGeometry called without a reader
   GateMaterialDatabase: did not load properties table for material 'Water'.
     This is only a problem when OPTICAL PHOTONS are transported in this


***** Table : Nb of materials = 3 *****

 Material:      Air     density:  1.290 kg/m3   RadL: 283.896 m    Imean:
85.628 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
   --->  Element: Nitrogen (N)   Z =  7.0   N =  14.0   A =  14.01 g/mole
ElmMassFraction:  75.53 %  ElmAbundance  78.44 %
   --->  Element: Oxygen (O)   Z =  8.0   N =  16.0   A =  16.00 g/mole
ElmMassFraction:  23.18 %  ElmAbundance  21.08 %
   --->  Element: Argon (Ar)   Z = 18.0   N =  40.0   A =  39.95 g/mole
ElmMassFraction:   1.28 %  ElmAbundance   0.47 %
   --->  Element: Carbon (C)   Z =  6.0   N =  12.0   A =  12.01 g/mole
ElmMassFraction:   0.01 %  ElmAbundance   0.02 %

 Material:   Vacuum     density:  0.000 mg/cm3  RadL: 631723.294 km
Imean:  21.800 eV   temperature: 273.15 K  pressure:   1.00 atm
   --->  Element: Hydrogen (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole
ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %

 Material:    Water     density:  1.000 g/cm3   RadL:  36.092 cm   Imean:
70.893 eV
   --->  Element: Hydrogen (H)   Z =  1.0   N =   1.0   A =   1.01 g/mole
ElmMassFraction:  11.21 %  ElmAbundance  66.67 %
   --->  Element: Oxygen (O)   Z =  8.0   N =  16.0   A =  16.00 g/mole
ElmMassFraction:  88.79 %  ElmAbundance  33.33 %


========= Table of registered couples ==============================

Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
 Material : Air
 Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+00 cm     e+
1.000e+00 mm
 Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 1.686e+01 keV    e+
9.900e+02 eV
 Region(s) which use this couple :

Index : 1     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
 Material : Vacuum
 Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+00 cm     e+
1.000e+00 mm
 Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 9.900e+02 eV     e+
9.900e+02 eV
 Region(s) which use this couple :

Index : 2     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
 Material : Water
 Range cuts        :  gamma 0.000e+00 fm     e- 1.000e+00 cm     e+
1.000e+00 mm
 Energy thresholds :  gamma 9.900e+02 eV     e- 2.147e+00 MeV    e+
3.387e+02 keV
 Region(s) which use this couple :

thanks in advance

Ali Asghar Parach,Ph.D. student in Medical Physics,Tarbiat Modares
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