[Gate-users] Postdoc Position at UC, San Francisco (USA)

Youngho Seo youngho.seo at radiology.ucsf.edu
Thu Feb 12 19:42:09 CET 2009

Dear All,

Please find the attached postdoc position announcement in the attachment. 
We are looking for a talented personnel who possesses experience in:

A. Monte Carlo simulation of radionuclide imaging systems (SPECT or PET)
B. Radionuclide detector electronics design and evaluation

Please e-mail a CV and a brief statement to:
youngho.seo at radiology.ucsf.edu

Thanks for your attention.
Youngho Seo, PhD
Assistant Professor
UCSF Physics Research Laboratory
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
University of California, San Francisco
185 Berry Street, Suite 350
San Francisco, CA 94143-0946 (94107 UPS/FedEx/DHL)
1.415.353.9464 1.415.514.8242
email: youngho.seo at radiology.ucsf.edu
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