[Gate-users] Moving sources - why does GATE use the confinement option?

Marc Chamberland mchamber at connect.carleton.ca
Tue Aug 25 17:33:03 CEST 2009

Hello Gate Users!

I've been using the confinement option in order to move the sources in  
my simulations. However, this greatly increases computing time when  
the confinement volume is large compared to the source. In my case,  
the confinement volume will always be large compared to the source.

I was wondering why does GATE use the confinement option? Why not move  
directly the sources? Is there a limitation in the GPS code? Is the  
limitation due to how GATE handles the sources? I've been inspecting  
the source code to find out why GATE uses confinement instead of just  
moving the sources, but I can't figure it out. In fact, I've found the  
GateSource::Update() function with the following comment:

"Called by the sourceMgr at the beginning of the run. When a mechanism  
for the attachment of a source to a geometry volume will be in place,  
if the source is "attached" to a volume here it should update its own  
position according to the (new) position of the volume."

How can such a mechanism be implemented? I wouldn't mind giving it a  
try if someone tells me it's possible and gives me a few pointers  
(programming is definitely not my expertise!).

I thank you all in advance for any info you can give me on this.

Marc Chamberland
Carleton University

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