[Gate-users] voxel phantom energy deposition in GATE

AliAsghar Parach aaparach at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 16:20:16 CEST 2009

Dear Gate users,

I have a question about dose calculation method in GATE.
I would like to know how can GATE calculate and saves the dose in any voxel
of  voxelised phantom? which files are associated for dose calculation and
save in GATE?
on the other hand, if GATE saves energy deposited in any photon interaction
(Photoelectric or Compton) thus why all of the energy deposited in a simple
voxel phantom is larger than emitted energy?
(example: for 20 MBq of 140keV point source in the sphere with radius of
24.6 cm filled with water for 1 second simulation, absorbed dose is 1.0283
cGy (equals to 0.64 Joule)but the emitted energy was about 1e-6 joule)
can any one knows what is it's reason?

I think there is a bug in dose calculation of GATE in the voxel
phantom...................? is it true idea?
is there any one uses GATE for Dosimetry applications?
 would any one please send me a complete macro for dose calculation?

my macro for dose calculation is in the attachment.

Ali Asghar Parach,Ph.D. student in Medical Physics,Tarbiat Modares
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