[Gate-users] Same runing on GATE 4.0...

Erin McKay erin at computerhead.com.au
Wed Apr 15 17:10:40 CEST 2009

Hi All:

We have attempted to modify the 'gjs' jobsplitter to generate seed files for
the Mersenne Twister by editing GateSeeder.cc as follows:

adding a line at the top of the file

#include "CLHEP/Random/MTwistEngine.h"

Adding two lines at the end of the default constructor for GateSeeder

MTwistEngine *newEngine = new MTwistEngine();

This seems to generate random seed files in the correct format that work with
Gate 4.0.0. Can anybody see any problems with this change (apart from the
pointer/reference thing)?

regards to all,
Erin McKay
Lead Programmer & Tea Boy

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