[Gate-users] surface finish in DETECT2000

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 16:14:34 CEST 2009


A colleague how works with DETECT2000 gave me this answer:

METAL simulates a dielectric/metal interface : when a scintillation photon
arrives on this interface, it is whether reflected following Snell Descartes
laws with a probability of Rc or absorbed. Thus it simulates a perfect (if
Rc =1) reflector

PAINT simulates a lambertian reflexion = a perfect diffusor

Using METAL or PAINT, the optical index of the second medium is ignored.
This is not the case with POLISH or GROUND optical coatings where Fresnel
factor is taken into account. Rc is then the probability for the optical
photon to return in medium one in a lambertian way knowing it has already
been transmitted in medium two.



On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:28 AM, 徐铖 <xchengbio2006 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Gaters:
>       I guess someone here  is also very familiar with DETECT2000.There is
> a question:
>       When the surface of scintillation crystal is polished/matte,and
> teflon covered, people choose"POLISH 0.98RC"/"GROUND 0.98RC" for simulation
> .Then what about "METAL" and "PAINT".It seems they were seldom mentioned.
>       If someone can introduce something about that or recommend some
> literature, I'll appreciate for that very much.
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