[Gate-users] Same runing on GATE 4.0...

Park MinJae MJ at ToTi.us
Thu Apr 9 08:01:07 CEST 2009

Dear Gaters,

Long time, no see~ :)

I recently changed 3.12 to 4.00 on x64...

Everything of Gate works fine...but the split jobs generated SAME results...

I checked the seed-files...Initial Seed were same...9876...

I took a look into the source files of Gate and tried to put one more
randomization step at the initial seeds...I couldn't...

Thank you for any information about it...:)

Cordially yours,

//  Park MinJae
//  SNU BME Ph.D. Candidate
//  DialTo:+82-17-711-7809
//  MailTo:MJ at ToTi.us
//  Make the Dream True...

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