[Gate-users] Voxellized phantom problem?

wqy wqy04 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Tue May 20 16:37:22 CEST 2008

Hello Susana and Bosky,
 Thanks for your help!
 I've converted the phantom file to unsigned interger and  edited the
header file the same format as the hoffman header file.And it seems
correctly now.However, I have  no idea of how to write the range.dat and
the range.dat:
  0     600       Air        true  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.2
  600      6000       Lung       true  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.2
  6000     160000      Breast     true  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.2
  160000     36000000      Plastic    true  0.0  0.0  1.0  0.2
  36000000     1.073742e+09     Air        true 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.2

I want to know how to define the the range each line . The range.dat
listed is wrote  arbitrarily.

the ActivityRange.dat:
3    3     9
6    6     12
10   10    24
14   14    43
16   16    49
17   17    52
23   23    70
24   24    74
50   50    154
100  100   24

Do you have an example?

Best regards and thanks!

在 2008-05-19一的 17:44 +0100,Susana Branco Silva写道:
> Hello wei!
> I’m using the MOBY phantom too!
> You have to be care with one thing: GATE can’t read float data (32
> bit)! So you'll need to convert your phantom file to unsigned interger
> (16 bit) format (with IDL or MATLAB for instance).
> Just do the data conversion and follow the hoffman brain example
> inside the GATE distribution!!
> Careful: check you image conversion before launch your simulation… If
> all scripts are well defined and you got the message above, probably
> is because the conversion wasn't done correctly:
> GateSourceVoxelImageReader::ReadFile : fileName: moby.h33
>  Header read from           'moby.h33'
>  Data file name                'moby.i33'
>  Nb of planes:                  122
>  Nb of pixels per plane:   40 40
>  Pixel size:                       5.000e-01 5.000e-01
>  Slice thickness:              5.000e-01
>  Matrix size:            2.000e+01 2.000e+01
>  Data type:              UNSIGNED INTEGER
>  Ignoring confine condition
> Source ---------------> voxel_mouse
>   ID                         : 0
>   type                      : backtoback
>   startTime (s)         : 0.000e+00
>   time (s)                  : 0.000e+00
>   forcedUnstable      : 1
>   forcedLifetime (s)  : 9.502e+03
>   verboseLevel           : 0
> -----------------------
> Voxel reader ---------->   number of voxels       : 0
> total activity (Bq)    : 0.000e+00
> Hope this help you.
> Cheers,
> Susana Branco Silva
> untitled
> Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
> Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
> Phone: (+351) 21 750 01 77 ext.: 20515
> Fax:  (+351) 21 750 00 30
> email: susana.silva at fc.ul.pt
> url: www.ibeb.fc.ul.pt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gate-users-bounces at lists.healthgrid.org
> [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lists.healthgrid.org] On Behalf Of wqy
> Sent: segunda-feira, 19 de Maio de 2008 16:33
> To: gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org
> Subject: [Gate-users] Voxellized phantom problem?
> Hello Gate User,
>           I have used Gate to simulate  the Moby Phantom and
> encountered
> an error.The following is the error which Gate output:
> "...
> ...
> 'nrecognised type name 'short float
> 'nrecognised type name 'short float
>  Header read from       'm007-heart_act_1.h33'
> 'Data file name         'm007-heart_act_1.i33
>  Nb of planes:           0
>  Nb of pixels per plane: 256 256
>  Pixel size:             1 1
>  Slice thickness:        0
>  Matrix size:            256 256
>  Data type:              
> Error: one of the matrix dimensions is zero!
> ERROR - G4Box()::G4Box(): hof_brain_S
>         Dimensions too small ! - 0, 0, 0
> *** G4Exception : InvalidSetup
>       issued by : G4Box::G4Box()
> Invalid dimensions. Too small.
> *** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
>  "
> By the way:      1.the interfile is correct, it can be read by xmedcon
> exactly.
>                           2. the Gate is installed correctly, it can
> be
> simulated the example Voxellized phantom (hof3.h33,hof3.i33)
> I have no idea how to dealwith  the problem. Could someone help me?
> Best regards and thanks!
> wei 
> Dept. of Engineering Physics
> Tsinghua University
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